“ADOPTION FOR THE RIGHT REASONS; an option for permanency”

23 April 2022


Programme 23 – 24 April 2014



English will be the working language.

Wednesday 23

rd April: (half day)

11.45 hrs: Registration and lunch for participants

13.00 hrs: Maria Doré, Executive Board Member, EurAdopt: Welcome remarks from


13.05 hrs: Opening of Conference

13.15 hrs: Nigel Cantwell: International consultant on child protection policies:

Intercountry adoption for the right children and the right reasons: the

elusive paramountcy of children's best interests

13.45 hrs: Laura Martinez-Mora, Principal Legal Officer, HCCH Permanent Bureau,

Netherlands: The Hague Adoption Convention celebrated its 20th

anniversary in 2013. Is it an effective tool in implementing an ethical

and transparent intercountry adoption system? What are the challenges


14.15 hrs: Gonzalo Gutierrez Lleras, Director, Fundación CRAN, Colombia: Practical

experiences of working for the best interest of the child under the Hague


14.45 hrs: Coffee Break

15.15 hrs: Judy Ndung’u, Senior Assistant Director; Children’s Services; Ministry of Labour

Social Security & Services, Kenya: Transformation of adoption practices

15.45 hrs: Øystein Gudim, Director, Adopsjonsforum, Norway: Co-operation for better

ethics in adoption

16.15 hrs: Panel Debate

17.00 hrs: End of day one

19.00 hrs: Dinner at the Stockholm City Hall for participants registered in advance. This

dinner is sponsored by the City of Stockholm.


Thursday 24

th April: (full day)

08.00 hrs: Opening of day 2

08.10 hrs: Lovisa Kim, Senior Administrative Officer and Social Worker, Swedish

Intercountry Adoptions Authority (MIA), CA Sweden: Post Adoption Services

in Sweden

08.30 hrs: Hermann Sæmundsson, Director of Department of Human Rights and Local

Government, Icelandic Central Authority – Ministry of the Interior, Iceland:

Short overview of the structure of the adoption system/procedure in

Iceland and Kristinn Ingvarsson, Executive Director, The Icelandic Adoption

Society: Post Adoption Services in Iceland

09.00 hrs: Mary Juseela, journalist and author, Sweden: The Great Homeland Tour

09.20 hrs: Coffee Break

09.50 hrs: Bitte Markstedt, Family Therapist and Anita Fryklund, Family Therapist, Duvnäs

Parental Support Centre, Sweden: The Adoptive Family; Challenges and


10.10 hrs: Rosanna Tampoia, Area Director Latin America, CIAI, Italy: Post Adoption

Support Provided by Adoption Organisations in Italy

10.30 hrs: Panel Debate

11:30 hrs Nyanja Nzabamwita Brodin, Founder of ISHAMI Advocacy for Children, Rwanda:

The importance of permanency

12.00 hrs: Lunch

13.00 hrs: Maria Larsson, Minister for Children and the Elderly, Ministry of Health and Social

Affairs, Sweden: Childrens right to grow up in good conditions

13.20 hrs: Nina Stenbom, Family Law Secretary, Social Welfare Committee, Danderyd,

Sweden: A practitioner’s reflections

13.40 hrs: Elsbeth Neil, Senior Lecturer and Director of Research, University of East Anglia,

UK: Adoption as a permanency plan for children in care: some

experiences from the UK

14.00 hrs: Anders Hjern: Professor of Paediatric Epidemiology Centre for Health and Equity

Studies, Sweden: Health and social adjustment of international adopteeswhat can we learn from Swedish national registers

14.20 hrs: Crystal Theron, Director, Le-Shika Development and Training Consulting, South

Africa: 10 years after the introduction of Long Term Foster Care in South


14.40 hrs: Heli Reinikainen, Project Coordinator, Social Worker Encounters Project, Save the

Children, Finland: Open adoption – a new opportunity in Finland

15.00 hrs: Coffee Break

15.30 hrs: Jesús Palacios, Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of Seville,

Spain: Domestic adoption versus long term foster care: so similar, so


15.50 hrs: Panel Discussion

16:50 hrs: Angelo Moretto, Chairperson EurAdopt: Closing remarks

The conference will end at 17.00 hrs

