Wij wachten nog altijd op onze genetische identit… (We are still waiting for our genetic identity…)

30 May 2022

It seems natural to know who your parents or grandparents are. Except for donor children like Jessie Kerkhove.

Today is Genetic Identity Day, the day to reflect on the importance of genetic identity. Many people do not think about it, because it is obvious where you come from. You know your parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents. But not everyone has that privilege. Think of adoptees and donor children (and other target groups whose right to genetic identity is violated).

This is a day to raise awareness. Primarily by the government. Last year we were given a towel for the bleeding and after a lot of work from the target groups and the initiators – for which all due respect – the Flemish Descendancy Center was created. This center provides psychological counseling to donor children, among others, and has set up a DNA database, which currently contains about twenty DNA samples. They also talk to fertility doctors and gynaecologists and give lectures to students.

Although these are certainly also important activities, this does not change anything for the (adult) donor children who are already there. The real changes must come from politics.
