Report Launch on "Human Rights Violation in the Past Intercountry Adoption Processes"
28 December 2021

Thanks to the courage and dedication of our fellow adoptees, new report on “Human Rights Violation in the Past Intercountry Adoption Processes” has been launched. This report is the result of KoRoot's collaborative project with the National Human Rights Commission of Korea and published in Korean for the government officials, members of National Assembly, and stakeholders of adoption system in Korea. You may download the Korean version of the report here.

This project has been carried out for the last 7 months(May~December, 2021) with various activities including:

Planning the research(June~November)

Researchers' meetings to categorize human rights violation cases and to form structures of questionnaire. (6 times)

Legal experts' meetings to review the cases' possible legal violations. (6 times)

Interpreting related resources and case studies on other countries' national investigation cases (5 countries)

Interviewing adoptees and other adoption-related stakeholders (August~October)

Interviews of adoptees whose adoption process was illegal or unethical (10 interviews via online)

Interviews of adoption-related stakeholders (total 5 interviews. 2 in person, 3 via online)

Final Discussion(November 26, at Dalgaebi)

and the participated groups and individuals in writing the reports are:

Dr. Sungsoo Kim, Dr. Jaemin Kim, Dr. Philsik Shin, Atty. Jungeun Kang, Atty. Jin Kim, Atty. Hanul Ma, Atty. Rami So, KoRoot.

KoRoot is planning to publish the abstract version of the report in English in 2022.