Late pregnancy discovery: it really does happen
21 July 2021

Fiom conducted research on women 1 who discovered their pregnancy late. What seems? They face a lot of misunderstanding. Fiom is therefore starting a campaign to gain more understanding for these women. An unintended pregnancy is often an intense experience, a late pregnancy is even more so. Women in the study share their experiences.

Many people cannot imagine that someone will not discover a pregnancy until after 30 weeks or during delivery. It is often thought that a woman deliberately kept it hidden. But would you know you're pregnant if you didn't get a big belly and keep bleeding every month? Imagine what that would be like. How would you feel if you suddenly gave birth to a child without knowing you were pregnant?

A late pregnancy can happen to anyone, of all body shapes and sizes, of all reproductive ages, mother or not and of any level of education. For all these women 1 this is a heavy event. They are suddenly told that they are not only unintentionally pregnant, but also have a child within weeks or days. Women who discover pregnancy at delivery have even less time to get used to the idea. From one moment to the next they have a child in their arms.
