Clifford Chance signs new Private Sector Pact to end orphanages worldwide

26 July 2018

Malcolm Sweeting


Clifford Chance has echoed the UK Government's landmark commitment to promote family and community-based care for all children, as announced at this week's Global Disability Summit, by joining forces with UBS Optimus Foundation and Allen & Overy to launch a new ‘Private Sector Pact'.

Led by international charity Hope & Homes for Children, a global strategic pro bono client of Clifford Chance, this new Pact sets out a pathway for change to ensure businesses can play a leading role in eliminating the growing problem of orphanages in the developing world.

As a signatory, Clifford Chance states that "we share the UK’s pledge to all children realising their right to family care - and that no child is left behind. We are committed to ensuring that our businesses do not, either directly or indirectly, contribute towards the institutionalisation of children; and to instead support family and community based services.”

Senior partner Malcolm Sweeting, a trustee of Hope & Homes for Children, commented: "The evidence is clear: orphanages don't protect children-they harm them. Children need and deserve more than food and shelter. They need individual care and attention. They need love. They need families and community based care. I am proud that Clifford Chance is aligned with the UK Government on this important initiative and is committed to making orphanages an unacceptable way to care for children."
