Between exploitation and reproductive freedom

4 September 2022

Feminist and capitalism-critical perspectives on egg cell transfer and "surrogacy"

Online series of events organized by the Genetic Ethical Network eV in cooperation with the fem*ini network against reproductive exploitation

The traffic light coalition plans to explore ways to legalize "egg donation" and allegedly altruistic "surrogacy," according to the coalition agreement. The liberalization of these reproductive medical practices has been the subject of controversial debate for years. It is always about throwing the Embryo Protection Act, which has been in force since 1990, overboard. Little is made of the fact that these practices are being established in a field of commercialized medicine. On the one hand there are the parents who wish to have children and on the other hand the women who provide these services with their respective interests. Above all, there are those who exploit bodily substances and bodily services economically. This difference in interests is made socially acceptable under the veiled terms "donation" or "gift" and popularized with reference to alternative family forms. Against this background, it is necessary to shed light on these positions in order to critically intervene in the upcoming debates. In the online event series, we want to talk to invited guests about different aspects of the topic.

To register, please send an email to eizellspende[at]


October 13, 2022, 6-8 p.m.

Goods or gift?

Lecture and discussion with Stefanie Graefe, private lecturer for political sociology, University of Jena, and Mona Motakef, professor for sociology of gender relations, TU Dortmund.

Preparation and moderation: Ulrike Baureithel, Sigrid Graumann, Silke Koppermann.

November 3, 2022, 6-8 p.m.

Who owns the body? On the political economy of egg cell donation

Lecture and discussion with Alexander Quaas, Senior Physician for Reproductive Medicine and Gynecological Endocrinology (RME), University Hospital Basel.

Preparation and moderation: Kathrin Braun, Erika Feyerabend, Sabine Könninger, Susanne Lettow

11/17/2022, 6-8 p.m.

The way to family happiness? Queer Perspectives on Reproductive Technologies

Lecture and discussion with Theresa Richarz, legal scholar and gender researcher, member of the Family Law Commission of the German Women Lawyers Association.

Preparation and moderation: Susanne Schultz, Taleo Stüwe, Uta Wagenmann