Fiom : Frequently asked questions searches Colombia
10 October 2022

On October 10, 2022, it was announced that TV program Spoorloos linked at least two participants to non-biological family. Following this news, we can imagine that you have questions about how Fiom conducts searches in Colombia. You can read more about this below. Do you have any questions? Feel free to call or email us on 088 126 49 00 or .

1. Who do we work with when it comes to searches in Colombia?

For searches in Colombia, Fiom collaborates with the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF, Colombian Institute for Family Welfare). The ICBF is a government agency concerned with the protection of the rights of minors. The ICBF has 33 branches in the various departments and conducts searches for biological families at the request of adoptees.

2. How does the ICBF search?

The ICBF searches through formal channels. Once the identity number of the wanted person is known and checked in the national register, the ICBF requests various organizations, such as health and benefit organizations, to provide up-to-date contact details of the wanted person. After receiving these data, a social worker from the ICBF will contact the person sought by telephone or a home visit will take place. The ICBF never contacts the wanted person via social media.

3. What is our approach to searches in Colombia?

If someone registers for a search in Colombia, a preliminary investigation is first done to view the documents and to estimate the feasibility of the search. Fiom then forwards the request to the ICBF.

During the search, contact is maintained with the Colombian social worker involved. The ICBF first requests the adoption file from the archive. A summary is made of this and, if desired, the adopted person can discuss the file with the Colombian social workers involved through a digital consultation. During the continuation of the search, Fiom maintains contact with the ICBF.

4. What is our approach once the biological family has been found?

If the biological family you are looking for has been found, you can schedule a virtual meeting. Both the Colombian social worker and the social worker and an interpreter/translator from Fiom are present for support.

Before a virtual meeting takes place, contact with the biological family is first slowly built up through correspondence. Fiom takes care of the translation of these letters.

Should an adopted person travel to Colombia to meet his or her biological family, guidance from the ICBF is also possible.
