Suspicion of illegal adoption
9 November 2022

The Danish Appeals Board can help review your international adoption case if you suspect that something illegal has happened in the case.

You can read more about the Danish Appeals Authority's guidelines for handling adoption cases with suspected illegal circumstances here .

Contact the Danish Appeals Board

If you would like to see the documents (file inspection) in your adoption case, you must contact Danish International Adoption (DIA) if you were adopted through AC Børnehjælp, Glemte Børn, DanAdopt or DIA.

Go to the DIAS website

If you are adopted through Terre des Hommes, however, it is the National Archives that keeps your file, and then you must contact the National Archives.

Order information about yourself - Rigsarkivet

Investigation of several cases or mediating collaborations

Sometimes there are suspicions that illegalities or irregularities have occurred in adoptions from a certain country, region or orphanage during a certain period.

It may be on the basis of information in the press or in investigations in Denmark or in other countries that the suspicion arises.

When the suspicion arises, on the basis of information from other countries, the Danish Appeals Board initially investigates whether children have been conveyed for adoption to Denmark from the country in question during the period in question. If this is not the case, the Danish Appeals Authority does not take any further action and provides information about this on its website.

If children have been conveyed to Denmark for adoption from the country in question during the period in question, the Danish Appeals Board investigates whether there may be illegal conditions or irregularities in the Danish adoption cases.
