Lonneke Kapoen director Advice, Direction and Central Authority at JenV

21 February 2023

As of 1 May 2023, Lonneke Kapoen will become Director of Advice, Direction and Central Authority at the Directorate-General for Punishment and Protection of the Ministry of Justice and Security.

The Directorate for Advice, Direction and Central Authority (ARC) provides expertise to the Directorate-General for Punishment and Protection (DGSenB) by advising, facilitating and testing (solicited and unsolicited) on policy issues in the areas of finance, business operations and legal affairs , information provision and subsidies. In addition, the management supports the DGSenB in the implementation of work processes, but above all in cooperation with all organizations, such as DJI, Child Protection Board, probation organizations, CJIB, OM, ZM, Police. In addition, the director is responsible for the Central Authority for International Children's Affairs (CA) and has an important liaison function in international child abduction, child protection and adoption.

Eric Bezem: “I am very pleased that Lonneke will join the DG with her energy, broad experience and clout. Lonneke is collaborative and with her open and curious attitude she will be appreciated both within and outside the DG.”

Lonneke Kapoen: “Let policy work, that is my motto. No impact without good policy. How wonderful to be able to bridge the gap between policy and implementation within the chain of punishment and protection in this position. I look forward to contributing to a safe and just society. In this position I can create the conditions and fulfill the connecting role for a good translation of politics and policy into implementation and vice versa. I look forward to working with colleagues in the department as well as with all partners outside it."

Lonneke Kapoen has been working at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate since 2017. Currently as department manager Implementation Policy where she is responsible for easily implementable policy for enterprising Netherlands. Previously, she worked at the Ministry of Justice in Security in various (management) positions in implementation, staff and policy and at the European Union. Her areas of work have always been at the intersection of policy and implementation and the proper translation of these to society. Lonneke brings a lot of (implementation) knowledge in the areas of finance, legal frameworks, data-driven working, subsidy schemes and process design. She has also earned her spurs several times within the international playing field.

Lonneke Kapoen studied Public Administration at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and she followed the ABD Candidates Program from 2018 to 2021.

This appointment was made through the general procedure for positions within the General Administrative Service. The recruitment and selection for this appointment was done by Bureau ABD and the Ministry of Justice and Security. Vacancies that Bureau ABD facilitates are widely announced and anyone can apply.
