The DCTH calls on the government to react

20 January 2023

The affair made and continues to make noise in Zambia where the scandal broke out, but also in Croatia, the country of origin of 8 adoptive parents involved in this affair.

The DCTH ONGDH, Dynamics for the Fight Against Human Trafficking in acronym, seized of this file has decided to put it in the public square.

This is a case that started in the DRC near the border with Zambia, precisely in an orphanage run by a certain Emmanuel Va Kabongo.

It is this orphanage director who would have facilitated according to the DCTH, the illicit transfer of these children whose age varies between 1 and 3 years in Zambia for their adoption by 4 Croatian couples.

In the DRC, radio silence continues to be felt.

The DCTH asks the government as well as the specialized services to take up this matter for investigations in order to establish the administrative and legal responsibilities of each other.

However, in Zambia where the case broke out, the 8 Croats charged with the offense of attempted trafficking of four children of Congolese origin were arrested in the second week of January 2023.

Mr. God Thank You Kitambo, Coordinator of the DCTH indicated however that they were released, but that during this time, the children remained on Zambian soil.

“Following this arrest, Zambian magistrate Dominic Makalicha granted them conditional release. In the meantime; the children still remain on the Zambian territory”, can we read in this press release from the DCTH.

As the Coordinator of the DCTH pointed out, this new case relaunches the debate on the lack of security tools with the establishment since 2013 of the moratorium against the international adoption of children of Congolese origin.

“…the institution by the Congolese authorities of a moratorium in 2013 on international adoptions, no security tool has been observed to effectively fight against child trafficking; many children have been trafficked and trafficked through neighboring countries to sell them for illegal international adoption. »

In this regard, the DCTH notes that it remains deeply concerned about the disappearance, trafficking and illicit transfer of Congolese children by well-organized networks.

It strongly condemns this practice which violates human rights, and undermines national safety and security and calls on Congolese justice to order the immediate arrest of Emmanuel Va Kabongo, director of this orphanage, in accordance with articles 61 and 62. child protection law.

Case to follow.

Dynamique de lutte Contre le Trafic Humain DCTH



Kinshasa le 20 Janvier 2023, Organisation non Gouvernementale des Droits

Humains : Dynamique de Lutte Contre le Trafic Humain (DCTH), alerte le

Gouvernement Congolais sur le trafic ainsi que le transfert illicite de quatre

enfants d’origine congolaise en Zambie, dont l’âge varie entre 1 et 3 ans, par

Monsieur Emmanuel Va KABONGO, Directeur d’un orphelinat en RDC près de

la frontière avec la Zambie/Ndola.

Ces enfants victimes de trafic ont fait l’objet de l’adoption Internationale illégale

par huit (8) ressortissants Croates via la Zambie. Ces derniers, inculpés du délit

de tentative de traite de quatre enfants d’origine congolaise ont été arrêtés sur le

territoire Zambien, à la deuxième semaine du mois de Janvier 2023. A la suite de

cette arrestation, le magistrat Zambien Dominic Makalicha, leur avait accordé

une libération sous condition. Entretemps; les enfants restent encore sur le

territoire Zambien. La DCTH est vivement préoccupée sur la disparition, le trafic,

ainsi que le transfert illicite des enfants congolais par des réseaux bien organisés.

Elle note à ce sujet, que l’institution par les autorités congolaises d’un moratoire

en 2013 sur les adoptions internationales, aucun outil sécuritaire n’a été observé

pour lutter efficacement contre le trafic d’enfants ; beaucoup d’enfants ont été

victims of smuggling and trafficking via neighboring countries with a view to selling them for

illegal international adoption.

The DCTH invites the government as well as the specialized services which fight

against human trafficking, to open an emergency investigation to establish the

administrative and legal responsibilities. It strongly condemns this

practice which violates human rights, and jeopardizes national safety and security

and calls on Congolese justice to order the immediate arrest of Mr.

Emmanuel Va KABONGO Director of this Orphanage, in accordance with article

61 and 62 of child protection law.


National Coordinator
