Advisory Group - Better care network

8 February 2007

Advisory Group

Steering Committee | Advisory Group

In January, 2006, the Better Care Network had its first Advisory Group meeting in London. The Advisory Group is made up of individuals from national and international NGO's, academic institutions, international organizations, government ministries, and independent consultants, all of whom have extensive experience in issues around care and support for vulnerable children and families. Currently, there are 53 members, 37 of which took part in the first meeting. The Advisory Group is regionally balanced, and members do not pay fees.

It was agreed at the first meeting that the Advisory Group will:

Advise on strategic priorities and workplans of the Better Care Network secretariat;

Ensure the relevance and appropriateness of the Network's activities;

Lead or contribute, as appropriate, to core initiatives; and

Promote the aims and activities of the Better Care Network externally.

Two working groups were formed on advocacy, and research and data

The following priorities were identified for the advocacy working group:

Formulate global "Key messages" for the Better Care Network.

Identify regional advocacy messages and objectives (form sub-working groups if needed).

Identify and reach out to children and adults who grew up in care.

Identify, disseminate and promote relevant advocacy documents.

In February, 2006, a meeting was held in Washington DC that looked at ways to promote better care options in US donor policy, particularly faith-based groups. A meeting was held with influential religious leaders following the US-based meeting.

The following priorities were identified for the research and data working group:

Identify and prioritize key research questions and encourage studies that address them.

Identify and encourage an appropriate academic journal to designate an issue on prevention and alternative care provision.

Explore the possibility of launching a thematic competition to attract more researchers to this field.

Identify, recruit, and work with academic institutions to encourage graduate dissertations and focused research in this field.

If you are interested in learning more about these initiatives, or would like to be involved,

please contact us.
