Ethica's Advisory Board

26 December 2006

Ethica's Advisory Board

Lezli Adams

Birth mother

Jane Aronson, M.D.

International Pediatric Health Services, NY

Worldwide Orphans Foundation

Susan Cox

North American Council on Adoptable Children

Holt International Children's Services

Tina Essig

Adoptive parent

Richard Fischer

Publisher, Adoption Today and Fostering Families Today

Susan A. Freivalds

Editorial advisor, Adoptive Families

Linda A. Grillo

Adoptive Families Together, Inc.

Tim Holm

Asian Adult Adoptees of Washington


Barb Holtan

Executive Director, Adoption Exchange Association

Dana Ernest Johnson, M.D., Ph.D.

University of Minnesota International Adoption Clinic

Patricia Irwin Johnston, M.S.

Perspectives Press, Inc.

Gregory C. Keck, Ph.D.

Attachment and Bonding Center of Ohio

Caroline Kent

Adoptive parent, open adoption advocate

Larie Kroll

Humanitarian outreach for children in Africa with HIV/AIDS

David Kruchkow

Adoptive parent

Regina M. Kupecky

Attachment and Bonding Center of Ohio

Elena Langrill

Attorney, adoptive parent

Kathlin McCann

A Child's Waiting

Mark T. McDermott

American Academy of Adoption Attorneys

Laurie Miller, M.D.

International Adoption Clinic, New England Medical Center

Mary Moo

Wide Horizons for Children

Deborah Murphy-Scheumann

Special Additions, Kansas

Joyce Maguire Pavao, Ed.D., LCSW, LMFT

Center for Family Connections, Inc.

Crystal Payne


Dawn Rogers

Adoptee, adoptive parent

Jared N. Rolsky

Golden Cradle Adoption Services, Inc.

Brenda Romanchik

Insight: Open Adoption Resources and Support

David Smolin and Desiree Smolin

Adoptive parents

Professor of law, Stamford University

Linh Song

Mam Non

Ada White

Child Welfare League of America

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