Sweden: Moroccan children removed from their families?

10 April 2023

Minister Nasser Bourita of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad has explained the "kidnapping" of Moroccan children by Swedish social services to place them in Christian or gay foster homes.

Member of Parliament Abdellah Bouanou of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) posed a written question to Minister Nasser Bourita about "the agony of the Moroccan diaspora in Sweden, with regard to discrimination and the 'kidnapping' of children, to bring them into Christian or homosexual foster homes." The head of Moroccan diplomacy replied that, according to unofficial estimates, these are the children of several dozen Moroccan families. Only two children of Moroccan families were taken away from their families by Swedish social services and placed in foster care, Hespress reports .

Bourita assured that his service has been following the file "with great interest" and through the Moroccan embassy in Sweden, which is in contact with the Moroccan diaspora in the country, to inquire about the cases of Moroccan children removed from their families. "In addition, the Moroccan representation has contacted the two families involved, as well as their relatives in Morocco , to follow them closely," the foreign minister added. The Moroccan diplomatic services' investigation found that the phenomenon is explained by "the non-assimilation of the country's laws by a significant number of newcomers to Sweden."

The written question to the head of Moroccan diplomacy follows a controversy stemming from accusations against the Swedish authorities by Muslim associations. According to the latter, the Swedish authorities kidnap Muslim children and place them with Christian or gay families. The allegations have been denied by the Swedish authorities and the ambassadors of the Muslim countries involved.
