16 April 2023


Day 1, Mar 25, 2022

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Friday Morning Breakout Sessions

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Session A Room

Friday Morning, Session A


Susan Harness, Speaker/Panelist

Michele Kriegman, Presenter, Reunion Land Press


M. Nam Holtz, Planning Committee , Attendee, Clinician, Producer/Director: Found In Korea

The Structure of Non-Belonging in American Indian Transracial Adoption

09:00AM - 09:45AM

Presented by :

Susan Harness, Speaker/Panelist

The Unfinished Business of Adoptees Who Are Native American/First Peoples: Legal, Cultural, and Identity Issues to Navigate & Reclaim

09:45AM - 10:30AM

Presented by :

Michele Kriegman, Presenter, Reunion Land Press

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Session B Room

Friday Morning Session B


Bibiana Koh, Presenter, Salisbury University

Sunny Reed


Rafael Javier, Co-Organizer, St. John's University

CE Eligible: A Call to Action: The Use of Intersectional Ethics to Navigate Ethical Dilemmas

A Call to Action: The Use of Intersectional Ethics to Navigate Ethical Dilemmas in Adoption Practice

09:00AM - 09:45AM

Presented by :

Bibiana Koh, Presenter, Salisbury University

Theorizing Transracial Adoption: Toward a Transformational Research Framework

09:45AM - 10:30AM

Presented by :

Sunny Reed

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Session C Room

Friday Morning, Session C


Yasmin Mistry, Presenter

Jeanette Yoffe, Presenter , Yoffe Therapy Inc.


Jane Platt, Attendee

CE Eligible: Open Adoption and Open Foster Care: Best Practice in AdoptionCE Eligible: Understanding foster care & adoption from the youth's perspective

Open Adoption and Open Foster Care: Best Practice in Adoption

09:00AM - 09:45AM

Presented by :

Jeanette Yoffe, Presenter , Yoffe Therapy Inc.

Understanding foster care & adoption from the youth's perspective.

09:45AM - 10:30AM

Presented by :

Yasmin Mistry, Presenter

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Session D room

Friday Morning, Session D


Kim Stoker, Speaker

Boon Young HAN, Presenter , Seoul National University

Ryan Gustafsson, Researcher, The University Of Melbourne

Katelyn Dixon, Post Adoption Programs Lead, Holt International

Joli Hanlon, Camp Director , Holt International

Steve Kalb


Amy Strickler, Attendee, Rutgers University School Of Social Work

CE Eligible: On 'Contingent Anonymity': Korean Adoptee Experience of 'Blending In'

On ‘Contingent Anonymity’: Korean Adoptee Experiences of ‘Blending In’

09:00AM - 09:30AM

Presented by :

Ryan Gustafsson, Researcher, The University Of Melbourne

Activism and Advocacy by Overseas Adult Adoptees in South Korea

10:00AM - 10:30AM

Presented by :

Boon Young HAN, Presenter , Seoul National University

Co-authors :

Kim Stoker, Speaker

10:30AM - 10:45AM

Coffee Break

10:40AM - 12:15PM

Whole Conference

Keynote Address: Dr. Raven Sinclair


Raven Sinclair, Keynote Speaker, University Of Regina

Amanda Baden, Speaker, Montclair State University

Welcome to the 10th Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference The Evolution of Adoption Practice: Activist and Community Perspectives

Welcome Remarks

10:40AM - 10:50AM

Presented by :

Amanda Baden, Speaker, Montclair State University

The Sixties Scoop and Indigenous Transracial Adoption: Loss, Anguish, and the Value of Righteous Rage

10:50AM - 12:15PM

Presented by :

Raven Sinclair, Keynote Speaker, University Of Regina

12:15PM - 01:30PM


Friday Lunch Round Tables

Click on "Rooms" in the top right corner of Dryfta's website to join at roundtable. These interactive discussion tables enable discussion/meeting via text, audio, and/or video. Rooms are themed and you can join the appropriate room or create your own! Each room can hold up to 35 people.

01:30PM - 03:00PM

Whole Conference

Friday Afternoon Keynote Panel: Adoptees as Immigrants


Daniel Drennan ElAwar, Presenter, Emily Carr University Of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC

Anissa Druesedow , Founder, Adoptee Advocacy

Grace Newton, Keynote Panelist, Author At Red Thread Broken


Chaitra Wirta-Leiker, Keynote Speaker; Panel Moderator, Beyond Words Psychological Services

03:00PM - 03:15PM

Coffee Break

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Friday Afternoon Breakout Sessions

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Session A Room

Friday Afternoon, Session A


Ellen Pinderhughes, Presenter, Tufts University

Seungmi Lee, Student, Tufts University

Jiayi Liu, Presenter, Michigan State University

Ebony White, Presenter, Drexel University

Amanda Baden, Presenter, Conference Co-Chair, Professor, Montclair State University

Elliotte Harrington, Presenter, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Olivia Hobert, Student, Tufts University


M. Nam Holtz, Planning Committee , Attendee, Clinician, Producer/Director: Found In Korea

Symposium on Racial and Adoption MicroaggressionsCE Eligible Symposium

Racial and Adoption Microaggressions: Adoptive Families’ Perceptions, Management and Preparation-for-Bias with their Adopted Children

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Ellen Pinderhughes, Presenter, Tufts University

Adoptive Families Navigating Adoption Microaggressions: Internal Boundary Management and Preparation-for-Bias

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Seungmi Lee, Student, Tufts University

Jiayi Liu, Presenter, Michigan State University

Ellen Pinderhughes, Presenter, Tufts University

Co-authors :

Xian Zhang

Anna Kimura, Student, University Of California Los Angeles

Ana Jurca, Presenter, Tufts University

Racial Microaggressions Experienced by Transracial Adoptees: Do Parents Talk About Them?

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Jiayi Liu, Presenter, Michigan State University

Co-authors :

Seungmi Lee, Student, Tufts University

Olivia Hobert, Student, Tufts University

Madeline Smith, Attendee/Presenter, Tufts University

Kaila Caffey, Student, Tufts University

Ellen Pinderhughes, Presenter, Tufts University

Diverse Communities: Adoption and Racial Microaggressions Experienced by Adoptive Parents of Chinese Adoptees

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Ebony White, Presenter, Drexel University

Ellen Pinderhughes, Presenter, Tufts University

Elliotte Harrington, Presenter, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Amanda Baden, Presenter, Conference Co-Chair, Professor, Montclair State University

Co-authors :

Xian Zhang

“You Have Mistaken Assumptions”: How Parents’ Role, Parent’s Preparation for Bias, and Children’s Ethnic Self-Labels Are Interrelated Among Transracial Adoptions from China

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Olivia Hobert, Student, Tufts University

Ellen Pinderhughes, Presenter, Tufts University

Co-authors :

Xian Zhang

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Session B Room

Friday Afternoon, Session B


Meghan Kelly, Presenter

Chris Santizo-Malafronti, Presenter, Redwood Collective

Sarah Koff, Presenter, Redwood Collective


JaeRan Kim, Presenter

Envisioning a Future without International Adoption

03:15PM - 04:00PM

Presented by :

Sarah Koff, Presenter, Redwood Collective

Co-authors :

Meghan Kelly, Presenter

Chris Santizo-Malafronti, Presenter, Redwood Collective

An Unapologetic Declaration for the Abolition of International Adoption

04:00PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Chris Santizo-Malafronti, Presenter, Redwood Collective

Sarah Koff, Presenter, Redwood Collective

Meghan Kelly, Presenter

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Session C Room

Friday Afternoon, Session C


Michele Kriegman, Presenter, Reunion Land Press

Hollee McGinnis, Presenter, Virginia Commonwealth University

Olivia Zalecki, Presenter, Columbia University


Jane Platt, Attendee

The Solomon's Choice of Legislative & Judicial Activism: When Social Justice for Adoptees & Donor-Conceived People Comes at the Price of Reunions

03:15PM - 03:45PM

Presented by :

Michele Kriegman, Presenter, Reunion Land Press

Adult Korean Adoptee Groups from the 1990s-2020s: Spaces of Mutual Aid, Empowerment, Belonging, and Change

03:45PM - 04:15PM

Presented by :

Hollee McGinnis, Presenter, Virginia Commonwealth University

The Geopolitics of Adoption: A Comparative Analysis of Asian American Adoptee Identity Formation

04:15PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Olivia Zalecki, Presenter, Columbia University

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Session D room

Friday Afternoon, Session D


Zeina Ismail-Allouche, Keynote/invited SpeKER

Daniel Drennan ElAwar, Presenter, Emily Carr University Of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC


Angela Gee, Attendee

The life stories of individuals who expereinced transracial and/or intercountry adoption; a collaborative oral history research creation grounded in Indigenous Methodologies

03:15PM - 04:00PM

Presented by :

Zeina Ismail-Allouche, Keynote/invited SpeKER

My Vigil: From the Residential Schools to Gaza [A Creative Performance]

04:00PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Daniel Drennan ElAwar, Presenter, Emily Carr University Of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC

04:45PM - 05:45PM

Happy Hour Social

Day 2, Mar 26, 2022

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Saturday Morning Breakout Sessions

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Session A Room

Saturday Morning, Session A


Mirah Riben, Presenter

Gregory Luce, Presenter, Adoptee Rights Law Center PLLC

Valerie Andrews, Presenter , PhD Student, York University, Executive Director, Origins Canada


M. Nam Holtz, Planning Committee , Attendee, Clinician, Producer/Director: Found In Korea

Mother Activism in Canada: The Road to the Senate

09:00AM - 09:30AM

Presented by :

Valerie Andrews, Presenter , PhD Student, York University, Executive Director, Origins Canada

Ensuring Ethical Practice in Child Adoption: A Guide for Legislators, Practitioners and Consumers of Adoption Services

09:30AM - 10:00AM

Presented by :

Mirah Riben, Presenter

What's Political is Personal: The History and Parameters of Undoing Your Own Adoption

10:00AM - 10:30AM

Presented by :

Gregory Luce, Presenter, Adoptee Rights Law Center PLLC

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Session B Room

Saturday Morning, Session B


Anissa Druesedow , Founder, Adoptee Advocacy

Mike Davis, Presenter

Joe Nugent, Presenter

Michael Mullen, Presenter, Michael Mullen


Jane Platt, Attendee

Deported Adoptees Speak

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Presented by :

Michael Mullen, Presenter, Michael Mullen

Mike Davis, Presenter

Joe Nugent, Presenter

Co-authors :

Anissa Druesedow , Founder, Adoptee Advocacy

09:00AM - 10:30AM

Session C Room

Saturday Morning, Session C


Liz DeBetta, Presenter, Utah Valley University

Emerson Dickman, Presenter And Participant, Law Office Of Emerson Diskman

Rebecca Randall, Presenter, Montclair State University

Elliotte Harrington, Presenter, Fairleigh Dickinson University

LaShawn Adams, Presenter, Montclair State University

Amy Kobus, Presenter, Oregon Health & Science University

Amanda Baden, Presenter, Conference Co-Chair, Professor, Montclair State University


Amy Strickler, Attendee, Rutgers University School Of Social Work

CE Eligible: Coming Out of the Fog and Grieving the GhostsCE Eligible: Microaggressions Targeting First/Birth Mother's Experiences in Adoption

Coming Out of the Fog and Grieving the Ghosts

09:00AM - 09:30AM

Presented by :

Liz DeBetta, Presenter, Utah Valley University

The Role of Genetic Expectancy in the Psychopathology of Children Who Are Adopted

09:30AM - 10:00AM

Presented by :

Emerson Dickman, Presenter And Participant, Law Office Of Emerson Diskman

Microaggressions Targeting First/Birth Mother’s Experiences in Adoption

10:00AM - 10:30AM

Presented by :

Rebecca Randall, Presenter, Montclair State University

Elliotte Harrington, Presenter, Fairleigh Dickinson University

LaShawn Adams, Presenter, Montclair State University

Amy Kobus, Presenter, Oregon Health & Science University

Amanda Baden, Presenter, Conference Co-Chair, Professor, Montclair State University

10:30AM - 10:45AM

Coffee Break

10:45AM - 12:15PM

Whole Conference

Saturday Morning Keynote Panel: Adoption as Privilege and Oppression


Susan Dusza Guerra Leksander LMFT, Agency And Clinical Director, Pact, An Adoption Alliance

Blake Gibbins, Keynote Panelist

Susan Harness, Speaker/Panelist


Adam Kim, Keynote Speaker, Wesleyan University

12:15PM - 01:30PM


Saturday Lunch Round Tables

Click on "Rooms" in the top right corner of Dryfta's website to join at roundtable. These interactive discussion tables enable discussion/meeting via text, audio, and/or video. Rooms are themed and you can join the appropriate room or create your own! Each room can hold up to 35 people.

01:30PM - 03:00PM

Whole Conference

Saturday Afternoon Keynote Panel: What IS the Best Interest of the Child?


Zeina Ismail-Allouche, Keynote/invited SpeKER

Shanyce Henley, Assistant Caseworker, On Your Feet Foundation

Tara Linh Leaman


JaeRan Kim, Presenter

03:00PM - 03:15PM

Coffee Break

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Saturday Afternoon Breakout Sessions

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Session A Room

Saturday Afternoon, Session A


Brett Furst, Primary Therapist, PACE Recovery Center

JaeRan Kim, Presenter

Sloan Nova, Presenter, University Of California San Francisco

Amanda Woolston, Presenter, Center For Grief And Trauma Therapy

Katy Perkins, Clinician And Adopted Person, Self


Daniel Drennan ElAwar, Presenter, Emily Carr University Of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC

CE Eligible: Twice Removed:Clinical and Practice Implications of Adoptees in Out of Home Care

Adoption and Addiction: The Role of Biological Parents in the Severity of Addiction

03:15PM - 03:45PM

Presented by :

Brett Furst, Primary Therapist, PACE Recovery Center

Twice Removed: Clinical and Practice Implications of Adoptees in Out of Home Care

03:45PM - 04:15PM

Presented by :

Sloan Nova, Presenter, University Of California San Francisco

JaeRan Kim, Presenter

"Dealing With" Adoptees: Exploring Mental Health Practices that Reinforce Dominant Cultural Myths of Adoption

04:15PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Amanda Woolston, Presenter, Center For Grief And Trauma Therapy

Katy Perkins, Clinician And Adopted Person, Self

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Session B Room

Saturday Afternoon, Session B


Susan Branco, Assistant Professor, Licensed Professional Counselor, St. Bonaventure University

Sanna Stella, Attendee & Presenter

Amelia Sun Langkusch, Attendee/presenter

Johanne Thomson-Sweeny, Presenter, Université De Montréal


M. Nam Holtz, Planning Committee , Attendee, Clinician, Producer/Director: Found In Korea

What Help Do International Adoptees Need When Experiencing Post-Adoption Contact Through Social Media?

03:15PM - 04:00PM

Presented by :

Johanne Thomson-Sweeny, Presenter, Université De Montréal

Liberating Our Ancestors: Adult Colombian Adoptee First Family Reunions

04:00PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Sanna Stella, Attendee & Presenter

Amelia Sun Langkusch, Attendee/presenter

Co-authors :

Susan Branco, Assistant Professor, Licensed Professional Counselor, St. Bonaventure University

03:15PM - 04:45PM

Session C Room

Saturday Afternoon, Session C


Adam Pertman, Workshop Presenter, National Center On Adoption And Permanency

Sally Ankerfelt, Presenter, Growing Intentional Families Together, LLC

GAYLE SWIFT, Coach, Author, Adoptive Parent, Growing Intentional Families Together


JaeRan Kim, Presenter

A Reckoning: Reconfiguring the Role of Faith Communities in Adoption

04:00PM - 04:45PM

Presented by :

Sally Ankerfelt, Presenter, Growing Intentional Families Together, LLC

Gayle Swift

Driving Progress in Adoption: From `Child Placement' to `Family Success'

03:15PM - 04:00PM

Presented by :

Adam Pertman, Workshop Presenter, National Center On Adoption And Permanency

Allison Maxon, Executive Director, National Center On Adoption And Permanency

04:30PM - 05:30PM

Closing & Social Hour