Christian Adoption Services, Inc.
Christian Advocates For Adoption, Inc.
Christian Alliance for Orphans
Christian Brothers at Bindoon
Christian Brothers Oceania Province
Christian Charities USA
Christian Child Placement Services
Christian Coalition
Christian Coalition of America
Christian Family Adoptions
Christian Family Care Agency
Christian Family Life Center
Christian Family Life Services
Christian Family Services, Inc.
Christian Family Services, Inc. (SC)
Christian Family Services (MI)
Christian Heritage Children's Homes
Christian Homes And Special Kids (CHASK)
Christian Homes of Abilene
Christian Leadership Alliance
Christian Learning Center
Christian Legal Society
Christian Orphan Care movement
Christian Post
Christian Salvation Service
Christian World Adoption
Christian World Adoption SC office
Christian World Foundation
Christina Inderbitzin
Chrysalis House, Inc.
CHSFS - Ethiopia
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Church of North India
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
Cici Enterprises, Lp
Cielo 133
Cielo 133 - Baleares
Cielo 133 - Castilla la Mancha
Circles of Care
Claar Foundation
Claretian Mercy Home
Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital
Clifford Chance
Close To You Foundation
Coalition for Urban Renewal and Education
Coalition of Mother and Baby Homes Survivors
COBYS Family Services
COC Nederland (Federatie van Nederlandse Verenigingen tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit COC Nederland)