Seymour Kurtz


Organization Relation type Date from Date to
Birth Hope, Inc (GA) CEO 1981 May 01 1988 May 13
Adoption Foundation of the Americas Contributed to 1980 Jan 01
Adoption Care, Inc. Founder of 1990 Oct 31
Adoption Edition Founder of
Adoption World Founder of 1985 Feb 14
American Institute-Families Founder of
Birth Hope Adoption Agency Founder of 1984 Mar 26
Birth Promise Adoption Agency, Inc. Founder of 1987 Sep 04
Casa Del Sur Founder of 1973 Jan 01
Easter House Founder of 1960 May 03
Friends of Children Founder of 1973 Sep 04
Golden Link Foundation Founder of 1999 Oct 19
Home for Children International, Inc. Founder of 1985 Aug 01
La Sociedad Founder of 1978 Jan 01
Pregnancy Guidance Center Founder of 1987 Jun 29
Tzyril Foundation Founder of 1973 Jan 01

Relations to other persons

Person Relation Type Person Date from Date to
Seymour Kurtz Associate of Diane Newton
Seymour Kurtz Associate of Mary Ann Mijajlovic
Seymour Kurtz Associate of Margot Hamilton