Society of the Friends of Children, Poland

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Poland Accredited Society of the Friends of Children, Poland
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Adopsjonsforum
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Adoption Associates, Inc. Poland
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Barnen framför allt (Children above All - Adoptions)
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Eltern-Kind-Brücke e.V.
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Emmanuel S.O.S. Adoption
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Forever Families
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates In Cammino per la Famiglia
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Island Coast International Adoption (ICIA)
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Oeuvre de l'Adoption Comite de Lyon
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Pelastakaa Lapset (Save the Children Finland)
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland Facilitates Stichting Kind en Toekomst


ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 6