History of creation

16 July 2023

Discussing our personal experiences as Korean adoptees, we noticed that communicating in a language that is not our own can be a barrier . The reality is that today, many organizations offer numerous services to adoptees but to access them you often need to be able to communicate in English.


In terms of communication, we have observed that there is a general lack of sharing of information and news among those responsible for the main associations of French-speaking adoptees. We have also witnessed the propagation and sharing of certain rumors or erroneous information (sometimes even false) on social networks. It is true that South Korea is evolving very quickly in terms of legislative elections, which can make certain procedures more difficult. This also makes it difficult to be aware of all the latest advances and information such as the F4 Visa, access to dual nationality and even the search for biological family to name just a few examples.


Additionally, as many already know, traveling alone in Korea can be complicated. It is for all these reasons that we consider it important that all French-speaking adoptees as well as French-speaking adoptee associations can benefit from the latest information and news, in the same way as if they were on site in South Korea or if they were able to get by in English.


The Pôle des Adoptés Francophones – Korea would like to become a hub for connections and exchanges between adoptees who need help and/or support in Korea. We want to serve as a meeting and sharing center between French-speaking adoptees from all backgrounds. )


Regarding the services offered, we would like to offer as many as possible, including those mentioned below. However, it should be noted that this list is not definitive, knowing that the services offered will evolve according to the opportunities that present themselves to our association.


We believe in the strength of unity of the entire community of French-speaking Korean adoptees, that we can stick together to move forward together in the same direction.



Our goals


The Pôle des Adoptés Francophones en Korea (PAF Korea) is a non-profit organization created in 2020 by 3 French adoptees whose office is based in Seoul. The services offered by the organization are intended for all Korean adoptees who are French-speaking or have the ability to communicate in French. The organization serves both as a hub with French-speaking adoptee associations but also as a relay for French-speaking Korean adoptees and their country of birth.

The PAF Korea will bring its logistical experience to come to Korea. Whether to live there, settle there or simply travel there. 

The PAF Korea is apolitical and must follow the legal rules applicable in South Korea. 


The P ôle des A doptés F rancophones en Korea is a  non-profit association created in 2020 by 3 French adoptees whose office is based in Seoul. Today we form a team of 4 French-speaking Koreans from France, Belgium and Luxembourg, all united in the service of French-speaking Korean adoptees.


The services we offer are intended for Korean adoptees who are French-speaking, or who have the ability to communicate in French. Our organization serves both as an alliance for French-speaking adoptee associations but also as an intermediary between French-speaking Korean adoptees and their native country.


PAF Korea offers all its experience and logistical know-how for adoptees wishing to come to Korea, whether to discover the country, travel there, live there or even settle there. 


PAF Korea is a non-political organization and follows the legal rules applicable in South Korea.

The team


2 people located in South Korea


Public Relations South Korea

My name is Philippe Lapairy and I was adopted by a French family in the 80s at the age of 6. I only became interested in adoption after I was in my 20s. After being put in contact with the Racines Koreans association by my sister who is also adopted Korean, I went to Korea for the first time in 1998 thanks to the first trip organized by the association.

And since then I have developed a passion for the country. I decided to move to Korea to learn the language. So I left there again in 1999 with the idea of ​​learning Korean for 2 or 3 years. And I ended up settling there!

I started officially working for adoptees in 2009. During these 12 years, I saw the need to create support for French-speaking adoptees. But unfortunately alone, I could not do anything concrete. About 2-3 years ago I met another French adoptee with the same vision of the need for French-speaking help for adoptees. And we then decided to create this association.


Communication Switzerland / Belgium / Luxembourg

My name is Kim Foucart, I was born in 1975 in Jeonju. Park Chol Hee is my Korean name that I reuse when I'm in Korea. I was adopted in Belgium at the age of 5 months in Binche. Great fan of Belgian Folklore. I trained as a photographer and work in the local press and events industry.

At the time of my first biological research, I noticed that the language used, in the majority of cases, was English. Very bad at languages, this quickly became an obstacle. Starting biological research and reconnecting with Korea is a challenge. Feeling understood and supported can ease this ordeal. The desire to help French-speaking Korean adoptees as best as possible motivated me to join the PAF.

1 person located in France


Communication France / Canada

My name is Frédéric or KIM Jung kee in Korean and I was born in Seoul in September 1978. I arrived in France at the age of 5 with my little brother. I had loving parents and my adoption went very well.

At the age of 28, now I'm 43, I went back to live in Korea and I had the chance to find my mother via Korean television. It was during this period that I met Philippe.

For 10 years, I worked between France and Korea and I met many adoptees. I understand very well the questions and the steps to find your biological family or live again in Korea. It is for this reason that today, I am committed to the creation of PAF in order to be able to provide all my help to adoptees.

1 person located in Luxembourg


Communication Switzerland / Belgium / Luxembourg

My name is Laetitia Votron and I was born in Seoul in March 1984. My Korean name is Myung Hee Park.

I was adopted into a Belgian family at 3 months old and grew up in Belgium for the most part. I have also lived in the United States and the Netherlands, and now I have been living in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg with my husband and my two children for 6 years.

Having myself done research to find my biological mother and reconnect with my origins, I want to help other French-speaking Korean adoptees around the world through the PAF which does everything possible to achieve this.