Title |
Publication date |
Logo gvaCan adoption still be justified after the big scandals? “No one has the right to a child, but children do have rights” |
7 March 2025 |
Christian act or shameless child trafficking? Antwerp resident Thérèse Wante organised thousands of forced adoptions |
6 March 2025 |
L’organisme la Famille adoptive française, soupçonné de trafic d’enfants dans les années 60, annonce sa fermeture |
21 February 2025 |
Rethinking Adoption Paradigms: How the ECtHR’s Judgment on the Mitrevska Case Highlights the Rights of Adult Adoptees |
19 February 2025 |
The House of Kindergartens - My journey as a child in care |
12 February 2025 |
Investigation "The child you asked for is born": when baby trafficking flourished on French soil |
24 January 2025 |
Les hommes de la rue du Bac : la piste d’un trafic d’enfants |
23 January 2025 |
Searching for a homeland away from home |
4 January 2025 |
Revealing Ground Zero of the Swiss Adoption Scandal |
30 December 2024 |
India Sees 4,963 Children Adopted by Foreigners Across 41 Countries in Last Decade |
20 December 2024 |
Parliamentary assistants affair: has François Bayrou, the new Prime Minister, been definitively exonerated? |
13 December 2024 |
Quebec halts most international adoptions amid human trafficking concerns |
2 December 2024 |
Children stolen in Congo, adopted in Belgium: civil proceedings to highlight the responsibilities of the adoption chain and politicians |
12 October 2024 |
International Social Service NEWSLETTER |
October 2024 |
Chile’s stolen children: a new effort offers hope to Pinochet-era international adoptees |
14 July 2024 |
Pédocriminalité : une femme accuse un groupe d’intellectuels connus de sévices sexuels envers des enfants |
15 June 2024 |
La fin de l’adoption internationale, pour qui? – PROMOTION DES DROITS DE L'ENFANT (The end of international adoption, for whom? – PROMOTION OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS) |
1 June 2024 |
Al 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) |
24 March 2024 |
Already 134 reports of possible irregularities in adoption |
21 March 2024 |
Investigation The Franco-Belgian business of “stolen babies”: “We were goods that could be taken back to the store” |
20 March 2024 |
Irregular adoptions: the legal route with no exit? |
14 March 2024 |
I was a stolen child, I am 46 years old and I want to recover my Guatemalan identity |
13 February 2024 |
Is the end coming for intercountry adoption in Europe? |
26 January 2024 |
A first in the world of international adoption in France: a judicial investigation opens for adults born in Romania. |
26 January 2024 |
Abused foster children: Europe calls for compensation to be paid to victims |
26 January 2024 |
International adoption: what the inspection mission report could contain |
24 January 2024 |
International adoption: what the inspection mission report could contain |
24 January 2024 |
Sibling pair separated by Danish adoption agency in violation of the rules |
23 January 2024 |
Adoption agency delayed adoption. Now pairs of siblings are growing up in separate countries |
23 January 2024 |
Genesis of the project: International Social Service |
19 January 2024 |
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption |
4 January 2024 |
Macron slams ‘manhunt’ against Depardieu |
20 December 2023 |
New trailer - Juan - Louise Heem Sous-titres fr., subtítulos esp., Eng. subtitles, sottotitoli it. |
14 December 2023 |
Gerard Depardieu stripped of Order of Quebec after vulgar comments caught on camera |
14 December 2023 |
The double punishment of "stolen babies" in the face of justice |
11 December 2023 |
Registration complaint adoptees - French Justice |
4 December 2023 |
Atman: investigation into a multinational sect of tantrism |
29 November 2023 |
Tantric yoga guru Gregorian Bivolaru charged with human trafficking |
28 November 2023 |
The double punishment of "stolen babies" in the face of justice |
12 November 2023 |
Må bestikke politiet før adopsjoner – VG |
28 October 2023 |
A child of a surrogate mother, now a fighter against the industry |
23 October 2023 |
France suspends adoptions of children from Madagascar |
22 October 2023 |
Committee on Enforced Disappearances Marks First Anniversary of the Joint Statement on Illegal Intercountry Adoptions |
20 September 2023 |
France suspends child adoptions in Burkina Faso |
18 September 2023 |
Adoptions in Burkina Faso have been suspended by France |
16 September 2023 |
the ECHR rejects the request for access to origins - Time News |
7 September 2023 |
Association Heart for Heart |
28 August 2023 |
2023: Sad days for ‘adoptable’ children in Greece |
19 August 2023 |
Un Landais né sous X retrouve sa mère biologique, les tests ADN le confirment / A Landais born under X finds his biological mother, DNA tests confirm it |
20 July 2023 |
Abuses in foreign adoptions have not yet been investigated |
18 July 2023 |
History of creation |
16 July 2023 |
Wanted to offer a counter perspective to adoption stories with 'Return to Seoul' director Davy Chou |
12 July 2023 |
29 June 2023 |
'We found your birth mother': How Chile's children were stolen and adopted worldwide |
28 June 2023 |
How people adopted abroad are trapped by pseudo-detectives |
23 June 2023 |
Qui Sommes Nous ? | Service Social International France |
23 June 2023 |
Website AFAENER offline - here the content |
June 2023 |
Fraudulent adoptions in Mali: judicial investigation opened in Paris |
26 May 2023 |
“Finally legitimacy!” : after five years of procedures, Valérie is recognized as the mother of his children |
14 May 2023 |
Dylan Thiry, influencer or "white savior"? |
5 May 2023 |
25 April 2023 |
Emblematic candidate of "Koh-Lanta", Dylan Thiry reveals to have been approached to "take 50,000 or 100,000€" in a vast "child t |
24 April 2023 |
Adoptions of foreign children in France: historians report numerous frauds |
2 April 2023 |
1 April 2023 |
Essonne: Sentenced to 12 years in prison for having attempted to murder his adopted daughter with an ax |
23 March 2023 |
10 Years Since Forced Adoption Apology |
21 March 2023 |
Bought children, doctored files… A generation of adoptees in search of the truth |
17 March 2023 |
Access to origins: from the recognition of a fundamental right to the emergence of new relational categories |
16 March 2023 |
International adoption: when quest for origins comes up against omerta |
15 March 2023 |
Racine | Service Social International France |
27 February 2023 |
23 February 2023 |
Deportation of Ukrainian children is a crime that must be held accountable |
21 February 2023 |
France and irregular international adoptions: a necessary restorative justice |
12 February 2023 |
The scandal of forced adoptions |
12 February 2023 |
Report points to 30 years of international adoption mishandling in France |
10 February 2023 |
Report points to 30 years of international adoption mishandling in France |
10 February 2023 |
Implicated for "serious facts", an international adoption organization loses its accreditation |
10 February 2023 |
Illicit international adoptions of children |
10 February 2023 |
Le Quai d’Orsay retire son habilitation à l’œuvre d’adoption Rayon de soleil de l’enfant étranger |
9 February 2023 |
False certificates and forced abandonment: study documents irregular adoptions of foreigners in France |
9 February 2023 |
The Quai d'Orsay withdraws its authorization for the Rayon de soleil adoption work for foreign children |
9 February 2023 |
France wants the relaunch of international adoptions: eliminated the "do it yourself" and opening up to unmarried couples |
4 February 2023 |
Colombia’s surrogacy market: Buying a baby for $4,000 |
4 January 2023 |
January 2023 |
They fight to make the voices of children adopted abroad heard |
1 January 2023 |
A few words to FFIA's adoptees from India |
28 December 2022 |
130 babies do not find a place in French-speaking foster families |
26 December 2022 |
Arrêté du 21 décembre 2022 portant abrogation des habilitations - RSEE |
21 December 2022 |
Victims born in Romania call for a judicial inquiry |
16 December 2022 |
Romanian-born victims demand judicial investigation |
16 December 2022 |
The 'stolen' children scandal: The abuses of a French non-profit organization under judicial investigation |
11 December 2022 |
Mali: Children kidnapped to be adopted in France |
5 December 2022 |
Ça commence aujourd'hui - Identité, histoire familiale : ce test ADN qui a tout changé ! en streaming - Replay France 2 | France |
29 November 2022 |
Marie Marre's fight for the truth to come out about illegal adoptions carried out between France and Mali |
25 November 2022 |
The scandal of “stolen” children: the drift of a French association at the heart of a judicial investigation |
23 November 2022 |
Adoptions internationales : deux frères originaires du Guatemala portent plainte en France pour « enlèvement » |
23 November 2022 |
International adoptions: two brothers from Guatemala file a complaint in France for "kidnapping" |
23 November 2022 |
The government launches an inspection mission on illicit practices in international adoption in France |
8 November 2022 |
Bernard Arnault: Captain of the flagship of the bourgeoisie |
26 October 2022 |
The Adoption Industry and the Adoptee Rights Movement |
9 October 2022 |
"Why I need to know the truth about my adoption in Mali" |
5 October 2022 |
The Story of Adoption |
19 August 2022 |
Single man can 'buy' child with impunity |
15 June 2022 |
Adoption, Racism, My Journey, My Truth Kindle Edition |
11 May 2022 |
Birth by GPA in France: a complaint has been filed |
6 May 2022 |
Subsidy to Servier laboratories: whistleblower Irène Frachon denounces a "scandal" |
25 March 2022 |
International adoption figures |
11 March 2022 |
Order of March 7, 2022 temporarily suspending international adoption procedures for children residing in Ukraine |
7 March 2022 |
International Adoption Reform - Law to reform adoption comes into force |
22 February 2022 |
French people of Malian origin file a complaint against an adoption organization |
22 February 2022 |
Association "Les Grains de Riz" -- Association "The Grains of Rice" |
8 February 2022 |
Adoptions of children: Parliament must validate a bill to facilitate the process |
8 February 2022 |
'I was trafficked as a baby. At 30, I found family in Brazil' |
31 January 2022 |
Adoption: a law that undermines the rights of the child |
19 January 2022 |
Victims of illegal adoptions claim the truth about their plight |
6 January 2022 |
France: why are international adoptions in free fall? |
28 December 2021 |
A French woman sentenced for having abandoned a child she had adopted in the Congo |
19 December 2021 |
Transnational adoptions, what consequences for children? The lighting of Amandine Gay, author and director |
16 December 2021 |
"When we are adopted, we build ourselves on the idea that we necessarily have a better life in the West" |
10 December 2021 |
In Guatemala, the lives of adopted children stolen |
8 December 2021 |
Root | International Social Service France |
2 December 2021 |
International adoptions continue to decline |
24 October 2021 |
Jeunesse & Droit - JDJ - A parliamentary commission of inquiry is needed! |
6 October 2021 |
30 September 2021 |
Rick Lawson elected new FRA Management Board Vice-Chair |
27 September 2021 |
Telangana: French woman killed, adopted daughter held |
12 September 2021 |
The hidden face of international adoptions and mothers' rights in Vietnam |
30 August 2021 |
The systematization of 'child exports' for economic and political aims |
13 August 2021 |
The “stolen” children of Coutances: an adoption association in turmoil |
1 August 2021 |
Julie, adopted in Ethiopia at 6 years old: "I had to tell everyone that my mother was dead" |
1 August 2021 |
Adopted in Sri Lanka in 1985, she denounces child trafficking and files a complaint against X |
2 July 2021 |
TESTIMONY. Tarn-et-Garonne: parents victims of a mafia adoption network file a complaint for fraud |
2 July 2021 |
Mothers, we’re looking for you ! And yet… |
1 July 2021 |
Right of reply from the adoption agency Les Enfants de Reine Miséricorde |
29 June 2021 |
Children of La Réunion 'abducted' by France demand apologies |
19 June 2021 |
Door Frankrijk 'ontvoerde' kinderen van La Réunion eisen excuses |
19 June 2021 |
«Le roman de Renan» : un doc sensible et sensé sur l’adoption homoparentale |
15 June 2021 |
Children abducted from Ethiopia |
3 June 2021 |
"Orphans to adopt": in India, the market for children lost to the pandemic |
28 May 2021 |
Why I had to stop my adoption approval application - BLOG |
26 May 2021 |
TESTIMONY. From Finistère to Mali, Jean-Noël has a whole past to reconstruct |
14 May 2021 |
Dassault Paid 1 Million Euros To Indian Middleman In Rafale Deal: Report |
5 April 2021 |
CDA Zaanstad wants to see the consequences of investors in youth care |
31 March 2021 |
9 March 2021 |
Aude: a survivor tells us about the forgotten crash of the children of Vietnam |
28 February 2021 |
Guatemala: children adopted from civil war join forces |
25 February 2021 |
Adoption: à la recherche de ses racines - YouTube |
12 January 2021 |
Christine Ockrent marâtre, Bernard Kouchner distant : Camille Kouchner acide |
5 January 2021 |
Adopted, he believed he was an orphan: 22 years later, Antonin will find his biological parents |
4 January 2021 |
She abandons the child she has just adopted in Congo: a condemned Frenchwoman |
19 December 2020 |
French woman sentenced for abandoning child she adopted in Congo |
19 December 2020 |
The right to adoption soon recognized for unmarried couples |
23 November 2020 |
?French adoptee finds Vietnamese family hours before Covid-19 lockdown |
13 November 2020 |
Mediator scandal: influence in the audience |
15 September 2020 |
Adoption. More than 20 families reunited by journalist Michel Joseph in five years |
19 August 2020 |
Bernard Arnaud the great puppeteer - oldgaffer |
7 August 2020 |
La plainte de neuf Français d’origine malienne pour « escroquerie » à l’adoption classée sans suite |
8 July 2020 |
Au Mali, une ancienne magistrate continue de dénoncer des adoptions frauduleuses |
15 June 2020 |
Soupçons d’adoptions irrégulières au Mali : Rayon de soleil déjà impliqué dans une autre affaire |
10 June 2020 |
“It's difficult for biological families, and also for adopting families”: from Finistère to the Sahel, a past to recompose |
10 June 2020 |
From Paris to Bamako, Marie M.'s painful quest for truth about the circumstances of her adoption, thirty-two years ago |
9 June 2020 |
Adoptions au Mali : en quête de vérité (video 30 min) |
8 June 2020 |
Neuf Français d’origine malienne portent plainte contre un organisme d’adoption |
8 June 2020 |
Nine French nationals of Mali origin file a complaint against an adoption agency |
8 June 2020 |
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way |
9 March 2020 |
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way |
9 March 2020 |
Rennes : la bataille d'une famille bretonne pour obtenir la nationalité française de leur fille adoptive |
27 January 2020 |
31 December 2019 |
French life beckons two brothers from Vadodara orphaned at young age |
20 December 2019 |
"Reynders weakened the rule of law" |
29 November 2019 |
Haïti: plus de 200.000 enfants exploités comme domestiques |
26 November 2019 |
French couple shot dead in Haiti while seeking adoption, officials say |
25 November 2019 |
Olivier Rousteing a cherché sa mère biologique : “Pour savoir où on va, on a besoin de connaître nos racines” |
21 November 2019 |
Jacques Chirac en vacances avec sa maîtresse à l’île Maurice : comment il semait les paparazzi |
1 October 2019 |
What the CIA knew and wrote about Jacques Chirac |
30 September 2019 |
L'oeil et la main Adopte-moi |
23 September 2019 |
Adoptée, Émilie Ducrot soutient que l'adoption internationale n'est "pas une chance" |
18 September 2019 |
Adoptions illégales d’enfants sri-lankais : Neil et Nour en quête de leurs vraies origines |
9 August 2019 |
28 July 2019 |
Les enfants abandonnés de Roumanie |
15 July 2019 |
Un rapport parlementaire avance des pistes pour mieux prendre en charge les enfants placés |
3 July 2019 |
Les victimes d'un vaste trafic à l'adoption au Sri Lanka, en quête de vérité sur leurs origines |
25 June 2019 |
14 French, Dutch orphans repatriated from Syria |
10 June 2019 |
Enfants “ abandonnés ” : le procès des parents à Tours |
7 June 2019 |
Vers une réforme du système français de l'adoption |
27 May 2019 |
De opkomst van kinderadoptie |
17 May 2019 |
L'adoption en Roumanie dans le contexte international des années 1980-1990 |
30 March 2019 |
Brothers’ au revoir to Ahmedabad |
28 March 2019 |
Ahmedabad: French couple adopts 2 orphan kids |
28 March 2019 |
Destined for Export The troubled legacy of Guatemalan adoptions |
16 March 2019 |
3 kids given for adoption abroad on fake papers |
21 November 2018 |
Adoption and Child Migration in U.S. History |
6 November 2018 |
L’ambassade de France s’engage pour la protection de l’enfance et de la famille aux côtés des autorités judiciaires et associati |
17 September 2018 |
UNICEF and the French government join efforts to Improve International Adoption Standards in Viet Nam |
24 August 2018 |
UNICEF and French government join efforts to improve International Adoption Standards in Viet Nam |
24 August 2018 |
UNICEF and French government join efforts to improve International Adoption Standards in Viet Nam |
24 July 2018 |
French adoption service: "Holebis are deviant and therefore suitable for deviant children" |
20 June 2018 |
France: Adoption au Congo: L'espoir renait pour les familles |
11 January 2018 |
Child Trafficking: The Consequence of Lack of Leadership |
10 September 2017 |
Cum a vândut Nicolae Ceau?escu copiii români unor familii din Fran?a |
26 July 2017 |
Haiti - France : Presentation of the Legion of Honor to Arielle Jeanty Villedrouin |
17 May 2017 |
Indian ruling party politician arrested over illegal adoption ring |
1 March 2017 |
Adoptions en Dominique - suspension (06.01.2017) |
6 January 2017 |
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights |
2017 |
Adoption en RD Congo : un quatrième Noël sans les enfants |
27 December 2016 |
La France refuse de délivrer des visas à 54 enfants de RDC adoptés par des familles françaises |
9 December 2016 |
La France va suspendre les adoptions d'enfants en RDC |
24 November 2016 |
La France va suspendre les adoptions d’enfants en RD Congo |
14 November 2016 |
‘I felt abandoned’: children stolen by France try to find their past, 50 years on |
22 October 2016 |
Adoptions à l’étranger: un projet de réorganisation inquiète les familles |
2 October 2016 |
"Mutter Teresa rettete mich aus dem Mülleimer" |
9 September 2016 |
Marion, born Mariuca |
1 September 2016 |
European Parliament - Regulating international surrogacy arrangements - state of play |
21 July 2016 |
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union |
1 June 2016 |
Communiqué relatif à la suspension des adoptions internationales en Éthiopie (4.05.2016) |
4 May 2016 |
transport-enfants-clandestins-France-Turquie-Haïti |
9 March 2016 |
Une femme voyage d'Istanbul à Paris avec une enfant dissimulée dans un sac |
9 March 2016 |
Small child found hidden in plane passenger’s carry-on luggage |
9 March 2016 |
17 February 2016 |
Adoption in the DRC: small children end up "domestic or sexual slaves" |
31 January 2016 |
Justice : plus d’adoption internationale en RDC jusqu’à nouvel ordre |
3 November 2015 |
Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait |
2 November 2015 |
Laurence Rossignol se désintéresse des enfants français maltraités à l’étranger |
29 May 2015 |
Congo. Si intensifica l’attività diplomatica per risolvere il blocco delle adozioni. Le missioni dell’Autorità Centrale francese |
8 April 2015 |
Adopter aux Etats-Unis |
1 April 2015 |
The adoption of foreign children to the lowest in 30 years in France |
1 March 2015 |
Né sous X, il dénonce « l’injustice » de la loi française |
23 February 2015 |
Protection des enfants français maltraités à l’étranger : mon amendement adopté |
2 February 2015 |
Conference: Prevention of Family Breakdown due to Poverty |
17 September 2014 |
Quand adopter un enfant au Sénégal devient un cauchemar |
23 July 2014 |
Italians continue to lead in the number of Russian adoptions |
7 July 2014 |
French couple take adopted sons home |
19 June 2014 |
Moscou interdit l'adoption d'enfants par des Français célibataires |
13 February 2014 |
American Involvement in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Process |
1 February 2014 |
France suspends adoptions from Central African Republic |
17 January 2014 |
Latvia - intercountry adoption - info from Latvian Ministry - only Hague countries |
1 January 2014 |
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents |
1 September 2013 |
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents |
1 September 2013 |
French and U.S. embassies, interested in the Adoption law |
19 June 2013 |
Legea adop?iilor, in aten?ia ambasadelor Fran?ei ?i SUA |
19 June 2013 |
Adoption : les temps sont durs |
6 June 2013 |
Près d’une centaine d’enfants congolais adoptés par des familles françaises visités par la ministre du Genre |
22 May 2013 |
Arhitect FRANCEZ, trimis în judecat? la Oradea pentru PEDOFILIE |
17 May 2013 |
Simple or full adoption ? |
16 May 2013 |
Mali: French Families Press Mali to Scrap Ban On Foreign Adoption |
10 April 2013 |
Moscow to create database of Russian children with foreign families – Lavrov |
22 March 2013 |
Algérie : treize personnes jugées pour trafic d'enfants vers la France |
17 February 2013 |
Algeria postpones trial of suspected child traffickers |
17 February 2013 |
External Evaluation Medical Treatment Programme (ToR) |
1 February 2013 |
“Sucker Love is Heaven Sent” – A Romanian Yoga Cult Under Investigation |
21 December 2012 |
Arche de Zoé : retour sur un fiasco humanitaire |
2 December 2012 |
France delays debate on gay marriage and adoption, amid mounting opposition |
19 October 2012 |
The day in 1981 when Bernard Arnault (LVMH) chose exile in the United States to flee the socialists |
9 October 2012 |
MdM: Aux origines de la mission Adoption |
April 2012 |
Haiti - Social : 154,000 Euros to fight against the abandonment of Haitian children |
12 February 2012 |
French care leavers overcoming the odds |
13 January 2012 |
Dossier – L’adoption internationale en pleine mutation |
2012 |
Anchetat pentru pedofilantropie |
15 December 2011 |
South Africa tightens rules for foreign adoptions |
14 October 2011 |
Die verschwundenen Kinder von El Salvador |
29 August 2011 |
Indo-french baby trade commission |
27 July 2011 |
Salvadoran group dogged in search for children missing years ago in civil war |
24 July 2011 |
Profit, not care: The ugly side of overseas adoptions |
5 June 2011 |
One million USD for taking care child adoption in Vietnam |
25 April 2011 |
Adoption : le double abandon d'Addis, petite Ethiopienne |
21 April 2011 |
Il n'est jamais interdit d'adopter un étranger |
8 April 2011 |
Une demande d'adoption en France ne peut s'appuyer sur un acte notarié non légalisé dans le pays d'origine |
6 April 2011 |
Imbroglio juridique pour les enfants haïtiens adoptés |
31 March 2011 |
Ukraine/adoption: 2 Français arrêtés |
21 March 2011 |
L'ambassadeur français des adoptions s'inspire des Américains |
17 March 2011 |
Les adoptions internationales en hausse de 14 % en France |
12 January 2011 |
Haitian orphans beat red tape |
24 December 2010 |
Polémique en France autour de l’adoption des enfants haïtiens |
23 December 2010 |
Haiti: A child for Christmas? |
22 December 2010 |
Haïti & France. Ces adoptions sont "précipitées et éthiquement condamnables", selon Pierre Lévy-Soussan, pédopsychiatre |
21 December 2010 |
Exclusif - Accord franco-haïtien pour évacuer les enfants en cours d'adoption |
14 December 2010 |
Netherlands temporarily halts adoptions from Haiti |
13 December 2010 |
Haïti : conséquences de l’épidémie de choléra sur les procédures d’adoption (23 novembre 2010) |
23 November 2010 |
Le Conseil constitutionnel censure un accord d'expulsion des mineurs roumains |
4 November 2010 |
Séminaire sur l’Adoption Internationale Mali |
26 October 2010 |
Une grave affaire atterrit au tribunal d'Alger |
1 October 2010 |
Libya: 105 Children Kidnapped in Misrata Orphanage |
13 July 2010 |
French Supreme Court Recognizes Foreign Gay Adoption |
9 July 2010 |
Haiti: Paris wants to accelerate the adoption of children |
17 May 2010 |
Over 80 adopted children are abandoned each year |
3 May 2010 |
Présentation du Rapport Général 2009 de l’A.F.A. |
29 April 2010 |
Actualité Vietnam (29 Avril 2010) |
29 April 2010 |
Russia drafts agreements on adoption with several European countries |
29 April 2010 |
20 April 2010 |
Russian Ministry of Education and Science releases new list of homestudy agencies with missing postplacement reports |
10 April 2010 |
Three children from the BRESMA orphanage are headed to Guadeloupe |
20 March 2010 |
IAWG urges better adoption process |
24 February 2010 |
La France, premier pays adoptant, loin devant les Etats-Unis |
10 February 2010 |
Ein Baby für 5000 Dollar |
8 February 2010 |
Nepal 'should suspend' adoptions |
5 February 2010 |
Haïti: Paris propose la création d'une commission bilatérale pour étudier les dossiers d'adoption |
2 February 2010 |
Evacuation des enfants en cours d’adoption en Haïti : c’est la honte… |
26 January 2010 |
Countries to fast-track Haiti adoption |
22 January 2010 |
Children missing from Haiti hospitals: UNICEF |
22 January 2010 |
Adopted orphans arrive in France as UNICEF raises trafficking fears |
22 January 2010 |
Kouchner : 276 enfants haïtiens en voie d'adoption rapatriés en France |
20 January 2010 |
53 Haitian orphans arrive at Pittsburgh airport |
19 January 2010 |
Adoption d'enfants haïtiens : Kouchner ne veut pas être "accusé d'enlèvement" |
19 January 2010 |
Haïti/adoption: les enfants aux dossiers complets seront évacués |
18 January 2010 |
Haïti/adoption: Kouchner répond |
17 January 2010 |
Pétition d'un collectif pour un rapatriement rapide d'Haïtiens adoptés |
16 January 2010 |
Orphanage: Adoption plan needed for Haitian children |
15 January 2010 |
Article Particuliers mais adoptables |
January 2010 |
Les homosexuels bousculent les règles de l'adoption |
25 November 2009 |
Adoption : des progrès mais peut mieux faire |
23 November 2009 |
Violences dans un orphelinat de la Fondation Zannier Holybaby |
20 November 2009 |
Nicolin : « Non à une loi sur l'adoption par les homosexuels » |
13 November 2009 |
L'institutrice homosexuelle peut adopter |
10 November 2009 |
Court grants homosexual couple the right to adopt a child |
10 November 2009 |
Police in Vietnam have arrested two people suspected of trafficking 20 babies in the communist country since 2007, a report said |
9 November 2009 |
La France tente de s'adapter à la baisse de l'adoption |
1 November 2009 |
Un conseil général à la barre face à un couple homosexuel |
15 October 2009 |
Accouchement sous X : la justice ouvre une brèche |
10 October 2009 |
Enfant né sous X : des grands-parents pourront prouver leur filiation |
8 October 2009 |
Josephine Baker's Rainbow Tribe |
2 October 2009 |
16 on trial in Vietnam adoption scandal |
22 September 2009 |
Seven Nepali kids handed over to adoptive parentsKantipur Report |
15 September 2009 |
Guatemalan army stole children for adoption, report says |
12 September 2009 |
Criminal Investigation Bureau busts smugglers |
9 August 2009 |
Child-trafficking ring smashed: media |
9 August 2009 |
Wartime orphans of shame unite |
19 July 2009 |
Three jailed for child trafficking |
26 June 2009 |
French men's insecurity over paternity of offspring creating 'a society of doubt' |
30 May 2009 |
Adoption Alerte |
6 March 2009 |
State sees no loopholes in adoption |
6 February 2009 |
No Adoption in France for Algerian/Moroccan Children |
6 February 2009 |
France proposes bilateral commission with Haiti to examine adoption procedures |
4 February 2009 |
Le système français de l'adoption internationale, jugé "défaillant" par le président de la Cour des Comptes Philippe Séguin |
4 February 2009 |
French authorities visit Haiti |
22 January 2009 |
The children of Toukoul |
2 January 2009 |
Les dérives de l'adoption au Cambodge |
January 2009 |
Embassies push for transparency in adoptions |
7 December 2008 |
A plan to facilitate adoptions in France |
29 July 2008 |
Démantèlement d'un réseau d'adoption illégale à Nam Dinh |
14 July 2008 |
Trade of Children (Voice of Children) |
13 June 2008 |
Claire Gibault and international adoption |
30 April 2008 |
Adoption Alerte |
26 February 2008 |
People who go abroad to adopt |
January 2008 |
Mrs. Boudault writes to us about the adoption of Malian children: If there is a culprit, it is Rayon de Soleil France * |
12 November 2007 |
Mail Sandberg to: EU changes position (Strategy) |
1 November 2007 |
Juin 2007 : suspension des adoptions en Slovaquie |
June 2007 |
Enfants roumains évaporés en France |
10 March 2007 |
Interpol search for Romanian children adopted abroad |
29 September 2006 |
6 April 2006 |
Nachwuchs auf Bestellung |
8 December 2005 |
Tiriac sues "Le Point" |
3 December 2005 |
Helsinki Commission Testimony |
14 September 2005 |
Business with poverty |
29 June 2005 |
France/Madagascar: Adoptions issue soon to be settled |
16 April 2005 |
British men falsify paternity to adopt Romanian babies |
10 October 2004 |
Child trafficking and adoption An illegal adoption network in Madagascar, bound for France |
12 May 2004 |
France admits having adopted 73 Romanian children |
17 February 2004 |
Un réseau d'adoption illégale à Madagascar, à destination de la France |
1 January 2004 |
Another adoption from Vietnam |
27 May 2003 |
Codegaz brochure |
1 May 2003 |
7 January 2003 |
Dezvoltarea interpelărilor şi primirea de răspunsuri la interpelări adresate membrilor Guvernului - adoptii Ciobanu |
22 March 2002 |
Les 11.000 mailles – “Academia Catavencu” |
18 July 2001 |
Letter Dutch CA (Vroomans) to French CA - Romania |
12 May 2000 |
Romanian orphans provokes storm in Parliament |
7 April 2000 |
Enfants vendus, enfants bafoues, enfants trahis |
1 January 2000 |
11 October 1999 |
Babyverkoop in Polen? |
23 September 1994 |
Treaties and International Agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations |
28 February 1994 |
Booming Polish Market: Blond, Blue-Eyed Babies |
19 April 1992 |
French Documentary: Trafic d'enfants roumains |
1 June 1991 |
Letter Francois de Combret to French Ambassador about getting adoptions cleared (FAF) |
19 November 1990 |
French/Romanian agreement on humanitarian aid |
7 November 1990 |
Meeting about possible assistance to orphanages - French Ministry Social Affairs |
8 October 1990 |
63 children by plane to France from Romania |
6 January 1990 |
Une si longue attente; Les séquestrés de Bucarest |
20 April 1989 |
Après dix ans de procédure Soixante-quatorze enfants roumains pourront rejoindre leurs parents adoptifs en France |
21 July 1988 |
Communiqués - 74 adoptions agreed Romania - France + no more new adoptions |
20 July 1988 |
Soixante-quatorze enfants roumains pourront rejoindre leurs parents adoptifs en France |
20 July 1988 |
1 January 1988 |
Stoffelen Report on Trade in Children (CoE) - Doc 5777 |
1 January 1987 |
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption |
1 October 1983 |
16 August 1981 |
Un siècle d’adoption des enfants en France (1923-2023) |