Six women nabbed in alleged baby trafficking

24 June 2009

Six women nabbed in alleged baby trafficking

The Jakarta Post | Tue, 01/20/2009 2:59 PM | City

TANGERANG: Tangerang Police arrested six women at a house in Village Tangerang Regency I housing complex in Gebang Raya, Jati Uwung, for baby trafficking.

Jati Uwung Police chief Insp. Yade Setiawan Ujung identified the suspects by the initials DS, ES, TM, LW, NT and YT.

Yade said the arrest was made following a tip-off from their neighbors, who saw the suspects carrying babies in and out of the house.

“We followed up the reports and conducted the raid,” he said. Police found a 7-month-old baby girl during the raid.

According to the police, YT, the house owner, said she bought the baby from a man, DR, for Rp 13 million. She paid Rp 5 million in advance.

YT told police that the baby would be taken by someone who would adopt her in Medan, North Sumatra.

DR remains at large.

“We are still hunting other suspects in the ring,” Yade said.

The suspects will be charged with violating Article 81 of the 2000 law on child protection, which carries a maximum sentence of 17 years in jail. – JP/Multa Fidrus
