


Title Publication date
What next, after the end of 'Spoorloos'? 'Don't leave adoptees to their fate' 6 March 2025
Police say babies in Indonesia are being sold for as little as $1,450 — this is why baby trafficking is 'difficult' to eradicate 18 October 2024
Police bust baby trafficking ring that sold newborns to foreigners in Bali 5 September 2024
Karlijn (27) traveled to Indonesia to meet her biological grandmother: “We hugged each other tightly” 30 August 2024
Activists not convinced about Norwegian adoption investigation 23 January 2024
Given away Christian Strand was adopted from Indonesia as a baby, and he has never looked back - until now. He fears the truth about his own background. 3 November 2023
Design session country-specific pilot project Indonesia started 6 October 2023
Henk-Jan is geadopteerd, maar kwam erachter dat hij niet legaal naar Nederland is gebracht - &C (Henk-Jan was adopted, but found out that he was not legally brought to the Netherlands - &C) 27 May 2023
Henk-Jan was adopted, but found out that he was not legally brought to the Netherlands 27 May 2023
Lenna discovered at the age of 25 that she had been circumcised: 'I tensed up at every touch, now I know why' 5 March 2023
Adoption organizations that have mediated for Indonesian children (before 1983) 6 February 2023
Fiom : Adoption and DNA testing: an ongoing journey 1 February 2023
Indonesian man dubbed ‘father of a million children’ arrested for child trafficking 30 September 2022
Sumi was adopted and found her mother after 35 years: 'I screamed when she left us, but she didn't look back' 4 May 2022
Adoption from abroad will soon be allowed again: 'This gives hope of finally having a baby' 11 April 2022
Adopted left with more questions than answers 28 March 2022
The National Board of Appeal's four notes on a study of the Danish adoption agency from Colombia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Sri 17 March 2022
The Social and Elderly Committee (SOU) Alm. share 16 March 2022
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 31 December 2021
Adopted Hartini searched for family for 40 years, but half sister lives around the corner 19 December 2021
Adoption’s ‘primal wound’ goes from an ache to a throb at Christmas 12 December 2021
Project adoptees NL - Volunteers wanted! (Indonesia/My Roots) 8 June 2021
Adopted as sisters: 'People from Indonesia also immediately see that we are not sisters' 14 May 2021
Fake documents hamper Dutch-Indonesian adoptees' search for birth parents This article was published in with 17 March 2021
Seeking roots all the way to Nongkojajar 1 March 2021
Ana from Indonesia: "Ibu Ellya's son disappeared before she could give him a name ..." 11 February 2021
Investigation into role of government in illegal adoptions abroad 29 January 2021
A Dutch adoption scandal triggers a search for roots in Indonesia 12 December 2020
Twins Naila and Bryan from Tiel were illegally adopted: 'Shut your mouth, close your ears, close everything' 7 October 2020
The trail comes to a dead end; everything points to adoption fraud 24 April 2020
"Ze hebben ons gewoon verkocht" 10 November 2019
Yanien werd als kind ontvoerd en geadopteerd: ‘Ik ben voor het leven getekend’ 15 July 2019
Project Historie en Roots 17 June 2019
Bud Wichers, Pewarta Berkebangsaan Belanda yang Kagum Pada Surabaya 28 May 2019
Alarms about irregularities from the majority of major countries Sweden adopted from 21 February 2019
Yanien werd ontvoerd uit haar thuisland. (Indonesia 1980) 24 June 2018
'Maybe I robbed a mother of her child' 29 May 2018
Mumbai baby selling racket: Accused women sent a pregnant teenager to Indonesia 10 October 2017
The girl who was 'stolen' by a soldier 26 March 2017
Reunited Indonesian twins on Swedish television 16 May 2016
De kinderen die Nederland niet wilde helpen 16 August 2015
In Wake of Engeline’s Death, KPAI Proposes Ban on Foreign Adoption 30 June 2015
Court releases 28 children back to adoptive parents 8 April 2013
cooperation Indonesia ICA 13 March 2013
Indonesia to co-operate with Interpol in investigation of child trafficking syndicate 8 February 2013
Adopted twins find each other again after 30 years via Facebook 20 February 2012
The scandal of orphanages in tourist resorts and disaster zones that rent children to fleece gullible Westerners 10 April 2011
Adoptie prikbord - geduld dan lukt het wel (Indonesie) 19 November 2010
Court process for adoptions not tedious 7 February 2010
Blog Jeroen 30 December 2009
Six women nabbed in alleged baby trafficking 24 June 2009
The lost children of East Timor 26 May 2009
twist in Asia's grim baby trade 25 May 2009
Forum: Onderwerp: Even voorstellen-Pondok Pelangi 18 January 2009
Courtcase NL: Indonesian adoption rejected 28 May 2008
Forum: Re: Mijn biologische papa en mama ontmoet!! 23 March 2008
Forum Adoptie Trefpunt 1 November 2007
Indonesia Earthquake Orphans - residency requirement 2005
The adoption affair 15 July 1982
Instellingen willen gedragscode ter voorkoming adoptie schandalen 16 May 1981
Verhalen over kinderhandel slechts verdachtmaking (Indonesie) 3 January 1981
Vroedvrouw aangebouden. Baby's uit Indonesie verkocht 27 December 1980
Indonesische baby's vooral in Nederland verkocht 30 November 1980
Letter Nota to Van Deth - Stateless children Indonesia (Chinese population) 13 February 1980
Adoption affair Irian Jaya bigger than assumed 30 August 1979
Grote vraag leidt tot Babyhandel 17 August 1979
Book Hoksbergen - Hoksbergen convinces Els Wunnink to work for BIA 1 January 1974