Haiti Orphan Adoption: Ensuring a Successful Transition

21 January 2009

Haiti Orphan Adoption:

Ensuring a Successful Transition

Haiti adoption interest has spiked after the disastrous earthquake and aftershocks in Haiti. The U.S. State Department is helping to expedite the placement of children into their adoptive homes.

While this is a victory for the children of Haiti, it is also vitally important that these adoptive families be given the resources, knowledge, and support they need in order to ensure a successful transition for these doubly traumatized children.

In response to the crisis, you are invited to listen in on this discussion regarding the orphans being adopted out of this country: http://www.beyondconsequences.com/asktheexpert/haiti/

Join Heather T. Forbes, LCSW and Dr. Ronald Federici as they discuss the dynamics in transitioning these children from disaster to safety and security.

“These children who have come out of Haiti have experienced double trauma and are in deep survival mode,” says Forbes. “Parents have got to have realistic expectations of the child and make their world very small, focusing first on physical safety, security and establishing trust.”

Forbes’ Beyond Consequences Institute is offering a free support group for parents who are adopting a child from Haiti and connect with other parents going through this process.

For more information on the support group or to arrange an interview with Forbes, contact Moya Smith at 407-965-1131.

For similar discussions in parenting traumatized children, see:

Dr. Bruce Perry & Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman

About the Beyond Consequences Institute:

Mission: To provide every child the opportunity to be parented out of love, ending the myth that a child can only respond and bond to a parent through fear-based parenting.

The Beyond Consequences Institute, LLC, educates and provides resources for helping children with severe acting out behaviors. Many of these children have been previously diagnosed with such disorders as reactive attachment disorder, bipolar, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depression, and the list goes on and on.

Most traditional techniques accepted amongst nationally recognized professionals in this field are fear-based and child-blaming. While some of the traditional techniques may seem to help in the short-run, in the long-run, they simply create more fear in the parent-child relationship, many times resulting in chaotic and unsafe homes.

BCI promotes a groundbreaking approach that has helped even the most difficult of family cases find stability and healing. Based on scientific research, the Beyond Consequences Model provides a simple yet powerful model for helping children with severe behavior. The Beyond Consequences Model has been shown over and over to help families find the healing that they have been looking for after years of “trying everything and nothing worked.”

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