


Title Publication date
Why countries are banning international adoptions 14 February 2025
Open Adoption in Practice: Eunique's Story 29 August 2024
Path of hope 10 July 2024
DNA pilot project with Voie d'Espoir 10 July 2024
Halted adoption process leaves Utah woman stuck in Haiti 25 March 2024
Halted adoption process leaves Utah woman stuck in Haiti 25 March 2024
Three Ethiopian Belgians testify: unfortunately, adoption is not a feel-good story 21 February 2024
American founder of orphanage in Haiti is charged with having sex with minors 23 January 2024
Genesis of the project: International Social Service 19 January 2024
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption 4 January 2024
Foreign adoption freeze is new episode in long-running saga: 'Realize that this can be hard' 15 December 2023
Network meeting 17 June 2023 Meet & Greet for Haitian adoptees (17+) Meeting, connecting and sharing Haitian roots 17 June 2023
Looking inside Miranda and adopted child Mica: 'This house is a wink from heaven' 9 April 2023
International adoption: when quest for origins comes up against omerta 15 March 2023
False certificates and forced abandonment: study documents irregular adoptions of foreigners in France 9 February 2023
Le Quai d’Orsay retire son habilitation à l’œuvre d’adoption Rayon de soleil de l’enfant étranger 9 February 2023
The 'stolen' children scandal: The abuses of a French non-profit organization under judicial investigation 11 December 2022
The scandal of “stolen” children: the drift of a French association at the heart of a judicial investigation 23 November 2022
My Family: Miranda (49) single-handedly adopted Mica (5) from Haiti 6 October 2022
'He calls me Dad.' Guardian raises money to adopt boy he found in trash in his native Haiti 21 August 2022
The Relationship between Intercountry Adoption and Human Trafficking 16 January 2022
Governor signs one bill for adoption agency licensing rules, vetoes the other 28 December 2021
France: why are international adoptions in free fall? 28 December 2021
A French woman sentenced for having abandoned a child she had adopted in the Congo 19 December 2021
“It is imperative to place rights and ethics at the center of the international adoption system” 10 December 2021
With which countries will Flanders still cooperate for adoption? Stricter screening must prevent abuses 10 December 2021
Root | International Social Service France 2 December 2021
North Texas woman who played role in horrific abuse pleads guilty in adoption scam Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/ 19 November 2021
Save the Children Warns Against Risk of Trafficking of Children from Haiti 27 August 2021
Georgette Mulheir: How to Defend Haiti’s Democracy 30 March 2021
Path of Hope, to give hope to biological parents and adoptees 15 March 2021
The serious consequences of disorderly adoption in Haiti 13 March 2021
Adoption report Joustra Committee: besides pain, finally recognition 12 March 2021
Defend Haiti’s democracy and proud legacy of overthrowing slavery 12 January 2021
Number Of Haitian Children In Need Rises, Along With Adoption Regulation, Turmoil 30 November 2020
Number Of Haitian Children In Need Rises, Along With Adoption Regulation, Turmoil 20 November 2020
Nancy Santing from Emmen draws attention to adoption 11 November 2020
Michel Joseph launches "Voie d'espoir" to continue making people happy 16 September 2020
Adoption. More than 20 families reunited by journalist Michel Joseph in five years 19 August 2020
Volunteer work: A social service employee helps with adoptions abroad 23 July 2020
Adopted children find their family through DNA: 'my mother has always been looking for me' 27 June 2020
APOM Help for the Orphans of Maissade - Haiti 9 May 2020
Bijzondere thuiskomst uit Haïti 9 May 2020
Special homecoming from Haiti 9 May 2020
Rennes : la bataille d'une famille bretonne pour obtenir la nationalité française de leur fille adoptive 27 January 2020
Adoptieprocedures Haïti tijdelijk opgeschort 18 December 2019
Haïti: plus de 200.000 enfants exploités comme domestiques 26 November 2019
French couple shot dead in Haiti while seeking adoption, officials say 25 November 2019
Verdiepingsmiddag voor volwassen geadopteerden groot succes 6 October 2019
"Warum meine Adoption keine Rettung war.????????????Auf Klo" on YouTube 27 June 2019
NAS: Verklaring na uitzending 2 juni jl. (Nieuwsuur) 3 June 2019
Tragische verhalen: veel misstanden rond adoptie in Haïti 3 June 2019
Nieuwsuur: Kinderen in Haïti weggehaald bij ouders en verdwenen naar buitenland 2 June 2019
Adoptiekinderen Haïti: dna-match is enige hoop op hereniging 2 June 2019
Courtcase child abuse: PAP Haiti - Netherlands 26 January 2019
Haiti demands Oxfam identify staff who paid sex workers 12 February 2018
The European Commission and Lumos highlight the link between trafficking and children in institutions 18 October 2017
Haiti - France : Presentation of the Legion of Honor to Arielle Jeanty Villedrouin 17 May 2017
transport-enfants-clandestins-France-Turquie-Haïti 9 March 2016
Une femme voyage d'Istanbul à Paris avec une enfant dissimulée dans un sac 9 March 2016
Small child found hidden in plane passenger’s carry-on luggage 9 March 2016
Overhaul of adoption in Haiti means fewer kids go overseas, alarming some and pleasing others 8 May 2015
The kids are OK is a production of Metropolisfilm in collaboration with the NCRV. Directed by Ton Wolswijk. 15 January 2015
Treaty’s tighter adoption rules kick in for Haiti 5 April 2014
Haiti judge: US citizen faces trafficking charges 25 February 2014
Three States join the 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention 20 December 2013
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents 1 September 2013
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents 1 September 2013
Haiti - Social : UNICEF congratulates and encourages the Haitian State for its determination 17 June 2012
International case of missing orphan has local ties 2 June 2012
Haiti. Toward a resumption of international adoptions? 27 March 2012
Haiti - Social : 154,000 Euros to fight against the abandonment of Haitian children 12 February 2012
Letter MoJ to Dutch Parliament 22 December 2011
Montreal Group - Haiti 14 July 2011
L'adoption internationale : une priorité qu'on veut nous imposer 27 June 2011
Haiti Presidential Decree to Tighten International Adoptions 24 June 2011
Human traffickers sell children to paedophiles (Germany, Haiti) 15 April 2011
Association Meeting for Crèche (orphanage) Directors 14 April 2011
The scandal of orphanages in tourist resorts and disaster zones that rent children to fleece gullible Westerners 10 April 2011
Une demande d'adoption en France ne peut s'appuyer sur un acte notarié non légalisé dans le pays d'origine 6 April 2011
'Adoptie uit Haïti kan' 31 March 2011
Imbroglio juridique pour les enfants haïtiens adoptés 31 March 2011
For-Profit Orphanages Keep Haitian Families Apart 21 March 2011
L'ambassadeur français des adoptions s'inspire des Américains 17 March 2011
Angelina Jolie has denied reports adoption of a child from Haiti 12 February 2011
Brangelina want to adopt Haitian girl 8 February 2011
Poinsette: Adopting Third World children is voluntary colonization 31 January 2011
Adoption auf Haiti: Grego hat nicht geweint 1 January 2011
Haitian orphans beat red tape 24 December 2010
Polémique en France autour de l’adoption des enfants haïtiens 23 December 2010
Haiti: A child for Christmas? 22 December 2010
Obama signs two key adoption bills 21 December 2010
Haïti & France. Ces adoptions sont "précipitées et éthiquement condamnables", selon Pierre Lévy-Soussan, pédopsychiatre 21 December 2010
Exclusif - Accord franco-haïtien pour évacuer les enfants en cours d'adoption 14 December 2010
Netherlands temporarily halts adoptions from Haiti 13 December 2010
Haïti : conséquences de l’épidémie de choléra sur les procédures d’adoption (23 novembre 2010) 23 November 2010
Anderson Cooper: Keeping Them Honest: Haiti's forgotten children 20 November 2010
House Leaders Weigh Haiti Bill as Vehicle for Immigration Measure 17 November 2010
Speech Susan Jacobs - US State Dep Briefing on International Adoption-Related Issues 1 November 2010
After Haiti Quake, the Chaos of U.S. Adoptions 3 August 2010
ISS Report Haiti 1 August 2010
Good comes from chaos in Haiti 28 July 2010
Bethany Reports Adoption Increases Up 26 Percent for 2010 19 July 2010
2 procent van toegezegd geld bereikt Haïti 15 July 2010
From Empty Nesters to New Parents 15 July 2010
Utah-Based Volunteers in Haiti See Long Recovery, 14 July 2010
Found: the nine-year-old orphan who became the symbol of Haiti's tragedy 12 July 2010
22 Haitian orphans get permanent families in Colorado 10 July 2010
In Haiti, aftershocks of a mother's wrenching decision 19 June 2010
Meet Mazie Grace: This is the 3-year-old's journey from Haiti to Cadott 18 June 2010
CCAI hosts Haiti Convening to assist in rebuilding Haiti’s child welfare system 27 May 2010
Unanswered Questions Abound on the Plight of Haitian “Adoptees” in the U.S. 27 May 2010
US senators unveil plan to aid Haiti orphans 26 May 2010
Wariness and uncertainty as Haiti adoptions resume 17 May 2010
Haiti: Paris wants to accelerate the adoption of children 17 May 2010
Orphanage preparing for influx of children 13 May 2010
The Last Babylift 10 May 2010
Desperate parents abandon children in Haiti 9 May 2010
U.S. couples fear hurdles rising for foreign adoption 8 May 2010
Bigger love: Declo family enriched by adopted children 5 May 2010
Over 80 adopted children are abandoned each year 3 May 2010
IBESR Accepting New Adoption Cases 29 April 2010
Miracle in Haiti: ‘Orphan Jonatha’ — actually Lovely — rejoins her family 24 April 2010
Saskatchewan Welcomes Adopted Children From Haiti Earthquake 20 April 2010
Split arises over adoptions from Haiti 14 April 2010
Haitis Kinder ( Film ) 11 April 2010
Divisions arise over push for adoptions from Haiti 10 April 2010
Minutes CP meeting 9 April 2010 9 April 2010
Little Maya Esther's Adoption Is Official 8 April 2010
Haiti's devastating quake reminds us that orphans matter to God. 7 April 2010
Special Humanitarian Parole Program for Haitian Orphans Draws to a Close at Request of Haitian GovernmentUSCIS Update 7 April 2010
210 Million Reasons to Adopt 7 April 2010
'Miracle' comes full circle with reunion of Haitian baby and parents 6 April 2010
Summary Report: Haiti safeguards and Protection April 2010
Post-quake snag slows adoptions from Haiti 30 March 2010
Haiti's children held hostage by UNICEF's agenda 26 February 2010
Questions surround status of Haitian kids in Pa 25 February 2010
Questions Surface After Haitian Airlift 23 February 2010
Former President Bill Clinton on Haiti, Orphans, & Adoption 22 February 2010
U.S. won't admit 12 BRESMA orphans 20 February 2010
UNICEF Seeks to Keep Kids Out of Haiti Orphanages 18 February 2010
Earthquake Opens Doors, Fears of Child Trafficking 11 February 2010
Haïti, de l'adoption au trafic 10 February 2010
La France, premier pays adoptant, loin devant les Etats-Unis 10 February 2010
Unicef warns against Haiti child smuggling 10 February 2010
Ein Baby für 5000 Dollar 8 February 2010
Nach der Erdbeben-Hölle von Haiti klagt ein Vater an Menschenhändler haben meine kleine Theresa Jenny entführt 8 February 2010
Haitian boy’s new family in Lolo struggles to pay the bills 8 February 2010
Zwei Kinder sitzen in Chile fest, weil ihre Adoptiveltern nach dem Erdbeben sofort helfen wollten. 7 February 2010
Bleak Portrait of Haiti Orphanages Raises Fears 6 February 2010
More Haitian orphans coming to Utah 6 February 2010
Haiti's orphans best helped with localized solutions, Buckner International president says 5 February 2010
Minnesotan also encounters Haitian orphan issue 5 February 2010
Haïti: Paris propose la création d'une commission bilatérale pour étudier les dossiers d'adoption 2 February 2010
Desperate parents' plea: Please take our children 2 February 2010
Child arrives from Haiti 1 February 2010
Haiti Orphan Appeal: "I am no orphan" says 8 year old transportee 31 January 2010
Adoption: neuf enfants haïtiens sont arrivés en Suisse 29 January 2010
Utahns working on last minute deal for Haitian orphans 29 January 2010
Koblenzer Adoptionsverein holte Kinder aus Erdbebengebiet in Haiti 29 January 2010
Setting Orphans' Path to U.S. 29 January 2010
Haitian children stand by waiting plane for clearance to fly to Utah 29 January 2010
With one last flight to Haiti, Operation Stork winds down 29 January 2010
Haïti. Les mercenaires de la foi prospèrent sur les décombres 27 January 2010
Haiti adoptions: Keeping youths in the right hands 27 January 2010
Haiti's orphans: Why they remain in limbo 27 January 2010
Senators speak out for Haitian orphans 27 January 2010
Haiti slows orphan flights over human trafficking concerns (Bellerive signed for 3 flights) 27 January 2010
Orphaned Haitian children arrive in Ottawa 27 January 2010
Senators push for more efficient Haiti adoptions 26 January 2010
Fears that child traffickers are targeting Haitian orphans in quake chaos 26 January 2010
Haiti Halts Departures of Orphans 26 January 2010
Child experts warn not to rush Haiti adoptions 26 January 2010
Evacuation des enfants en cours d’adoption en Haïti : c’est la honte… 26 January 2010
The Africa for Haiti Campaign: Africa Mobilizes Assistance 26 January 2010
Adopción de niños en Haití no es buena idea según la Comision Europea 25 January 2010
Keine EU-Regeln für Adoptivkinder aus Haiti 25 January 2010
Girls’ Rescue From Haiti Expands Family by Two 25 January 2010
Disaster in Haiti gives adoption 'new energy' 25 January 2010
Haiti, La Clinton Contro Bertolaso: ''Troppo Facile Fare Il Processo Del Lunedì'' 25 January 2010
More setbacks for Utahns waiting to adopt Haitian orphans (birth Father) 25 January 2010
Adoption agencies field calls about Haitian orphans 25 January 2010
No EU plan foreseen to fast-track adoptions of Haiti children 25 January 2010
Plane with 1st group of Haitian orphans arrives in Canada 24 January 2010
Haiti's PM in Canada for International Meeting on Earthquake Recovery 24 January 2010
Lassegue told the German Press Agency dpa that the government has put a halt to new adoptions 24 January 2010
President Ma calls on domestic groups to adopt Haiti orphans 23 January 2010
Haitian girl arrives safely in Utah for adoption 23 January 2010
Israel mulling Haiti adoptions 23 January 2010
Plane of adopted Haitian children to arrive Sunday 23 January 2010
Ottawa urges prospective parents to be patient over adoptions 23 January 2010
Notice to Families Regarding Travel 23 January 2010
83 Haitian adoptees arrive in Miami 23 January 2010
Call for halt to Haiti adoptions over traffickers 23 January 2010
Directeur Stichting Wereldkinderen over zijn ervaringen op Haïti (Video) 22 January 2010
Children missing from Haiti hospitals: UNICEF 22 January 2010
EU urged to fast-track adoptions from Haiti: Spanish presidency 22 January 2010
EU wil adoptie van Haïti–wezen regelen 22 January 2010
Countries to fast-track Haiti adoption 22 January 2010
Adopted orphans arrive in France as UNICEF raises trafficking fears 22 January 2010
One more horror for Haiti kids 22 January 2010
Feds sorting out status of 2-year-old Haitian orphan flown into PBIA 22 January 2010
22.1.10 Deutschland erleichtert Einreise von Adoptivkindern aus Haiti 22 January 2010
Harper says long-term challenge in Haiti is to rescue 'shattered society' 22 January 2010
Miami Herald reports that Haitian community wants children to be cared for in Haiti 21 January 2010
Dutch Airlift Brings 123 Haitian Orphans to Netherlands for Adoption 21 January 2010
Haiti hope all in the family 21 January 2010
No Haitian Children for Adoption in Finland 21 January 2010
Kinder aus Haiti unterwegs nach Luxemburg 21 January 2010
Sisters relieved to have Haitian orphans in Pa. 21 January 2010
What the U.S.A. Should Do About Haiti Earthquake Orphans 21 January 2010
Las ONG desaconsejan las adopciones de niños en Haití tras el terremoto 21 January 2010
Haitian girl, 2, still in federal custody 21 January 2010
Kouchner : 276 enfants haïtiens en voie d'adoption rapatriés en France 20 January 2010
Chances for Children Launches 'Haiti Renewal Fund' With $2 Million From Foster Friess 20 January 2010
Haiti: World Vision fordert ein Adoptionsmoratorium 20 January 2010
Unicef: 'Pas op voor overhaaste adopties' 20 January 2010
Haitis Erdbebenkinder sind begehrt 19 January 2010
53 Haitian orphans arrive at Pittsburgh airport 19 January 2010
Hilfe für Haiti aus Palling 19 January 2010
In Sorge um Waisenhaus in Haiti 19 January 2010
Haiti Earthquake Appeal: False claims of "million orphans" 19 January 2010
Pedro Pan plan for Haiti unlikely to happen 19 January 2010
Canada, Bring Haitian Kids Home 19 January 2010
NCFA Response to Haitian Crisis 19 January 2010
Adoption d'enfants haïtiens : Kouchner ne veut pas être "accusé d'enlèvement" 19 January 2010
Vliegtuig adoptiekinderen op Curaçao 19 January 2010
Unicef waarschuwt voor haast in adoptiedossiers 19 January 2010
Now is not the time for Haitian adoptions, says agency 19 January 2010
Haitianische Kinder bald zur Adoption in Deutschland 19 January 2010
Die Kinder in Haiti, Verletzt, traumatisiert und verwaist 19 January 2010
Verletzt, traumatisiert und verwaist 19 January 2010
Haïti. 13 enfants susceptibles d'être adoptés bientôt en Belgique 18 January 2010
U.S. Working On Processing 300 Adoptions Of Haitian Children 18 January 2010
Erhöhte Nachfrage nach Adoptionen von Kindern aus Haiti 18 January 2010
Snelle adoptie kinderen uit Haïti is verkeerd signaal 18 January 2010
Kinderhilfe: Viele Kinder in Haiti ganz allein 18 January 2010
Des petits Haïtiens bientôt en Belgique pour y être adoptés 18 January 2010
Haïti/adoption: les enfants aux dossiers complets seront évacués 18 January 2010
Er sollte nach Deutschland – Das Beben zerstörte das Glück 17 January 2010
Blog - Eindelijk goed nieuws!!! (military involved?) 17 January 2010
Nederland evacueert Haïtiaanse adoptiekinderen (Ministry pays costs airplaine) 17 January 2010
First group of evacuees, including six adoption children from Haiti, arrive back in the Netherlands 17 January 2010
Haïti/adoption: Kouchner répond 17 January 2010
Haiti: Das Warten hat kein Ende 16 January 2010
Orphaned Haitian Girl, 2, Detained At Airport 16 January 2010
Pétition d'un collectif pour un rapatriement rapide d'Haïtiens adoptés 16 January 2010
16-01-2010 - update aaardbeving Haïti (13.15 u) 16 January 2010
L'adoption suspendue 16 January 2010
Child Trafficking Major Concern After Quake 15 January 2010
Orphanage: Adoption plan needed for Haitian children 15 January 2010
Elsbeth Frey-Gabathuler(63) ist verzweifelt. Sie kann ihre Schwester Cécile (58) auf Haiti nicht erreichen. 15 January 2010
07-01-2010 - Roots Haïti en mailing C. Gabathuler 7 January 2010
Proposals Netherlands 2010
Master Thesis: Internationale Illegale Adopties 1 January 2010
Blog - Reisverslag Haiti (Lydie Parent) 16 December 2009
Haiti Adoption - 30.000 Euro 20 November 2009
Haïti : quand adoption rime avec transaction 17 October 2009
A baby with HIV raises fears for many people. But is that right? 10 October 2009
Blog - Dutch Adoption NAS 3 March 2009
France proposes bilateral commission with Haiti to examine adoption procedures 4 February 2009
French authorities visit Haiti 22 January 2009
Haiti Orphan Adoption: Ensuring a Successful Transition 21 January 2009
3500 VN-militairen in Haïti 19 January 2009
Deutsche im 24-Stunden-Einsatz - 50 Kinder 19 January 2009
Canadians wait for word on adoption of Haitian orphans January 2009
Verslag Haiti bijeenkomst bij Wereldkinderen dd 17-12-2008 17 December 2008
Wereldkindren - increase price Haiti 19 December 2007
"Babyexporteure" Guatemala und Haiti 3 December 2007
Trafficked Children Returned Home 10 August 2007
Wereldkinderen - visit Haiti - Adoption Procedure 12 July 2007
Entretien avec Marlene Hofstetter July 2007
Adoption internationale, un rapport accablant December 2006
Nachwuchs auf Bestellung 8 December 2005
US State Department Adoption Brochure Haiti December 2005
Annual report 2005 + 2006 - Gamini Wijewardena 1 June 2005
Meeting Orphanage Director with IBESR - M. Cadet 11 November 2004
Adoption grief - Zembla - BNNVARA 21 November 2002
Child adoption from Haiti via Flash stopped 28 September 2002
Adoptie kinderen uit Haïti via Flash gestaakt 28 September 2002
Twijfels bij rol stichting in adoptie uit Haïti 15 August 2002
Michelle Etnire HAITI: The Orphan Chronicles 1 January 2000
KRO-team in het nauw op Haïti/TV vooraf 8 January 1999
Blog: Familie Meier (Romania/Haiti) 1 January 1999
Support center for adoption questions 13 May 1998
Adoption von Kindern aus Haiti 4 March 1998
Adoptions to NL via Belgium (Haiti) 1985
The History of Holt International