French/Romanian agreement on humanitarian aid

7 November 1990

CONVENTION of 7 November 1990

between the Government of Romania and the Government of the French Republic on improving the living conditions of abandoned, orphaned and disabled Romanian children, as well as other humanitarian actions on children



Published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE no. 14 of February 6, 1992

The Government of Romania, represented by Rodica Munteanu, Secretary of State for the Disabled, and Dr. Alexandra Zugravescu, Executive Secretary of the Committee for the Support of Child Care Institutions, chaired by Mr. Petre Roman, Prime Minister of Romania, and the Government of the Republic French, represented by Bernard Kouchner, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister for Humanitarian Action,

taking into account the situation of abandoned, orphaned and disabled Romanian children,

Desiring to establish a framework for cooperation enabling the implementation of the French Government's decision to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of these children,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

The purpose of this Convention is to define the framework for cooperation between the Parties, in which French non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may participate in order to contribute to the care and education of abandoned, orphaned, disabled Romanian children, as well as any other humanitarian action on children.

Article 2

The list of Romanian institutions receiving French humanitarian aid is annexed to this Convention (Annex 1). This list may be amended by agreement of both parties by exchange of letters.

Article 3

The list of French NGOs authorized for humanitarian actions within this convention, according to art. 5, is annexed to this Convention (Annex 2).

This list may be modified, with the agreement of both parties, by exchange of letters.

Article 4

The Romanian government is committed to providing facilities to French NGOs in Romania. The list of these facilities is mentioned in an official document submitted at the proposal of the French ambassador, by the Romanian side to the French NGO volunteers mentioned in this convention (annex no. 3).

This list may be amended as necessary with the agreement of both parties.

Article 5

In accordance with French legislation, the French side will contribute, together with French NGOs, to the care and education of abandoned, orphaned, disabled Romanian children, as well as to any other humanitarian action on children:

1. humanitarian aid, in the form of works, supply of equipment, fuel, clothing, food, medicine, sending volunteers;

2. technical advice for various specific actions organized by the Romanian side, within this convention.

French NGOs, which appear on the list annexed to this Agreement (Annex 2) and which are ready to contribute to the cooperation actions between the two parties, will participate in the above activities.

Article 6

The Romanian side undertakes to provide the following facilities:

- Romanian specialized staff;

- means of transport;

- providing storage spaces.

Article 7

A joint Franco-Romanian commission for evaluation and coordination was set up. It includes 12 experts. Representatives of French NGOs, up to 6 people, accepted by both parties, will be able to participate in the work of this commission. The commission will operate in a suitable place, provided by the Romanian side.

Within the budgetary provisions in force, this committee has the following responsibilities:

- evaluation of the field situation of the activities actually carried out by different French and Romanian participants;

- proposing the actions to be taken and the ways in which the set objectives can be achieved;

- following the coherence of the set of actions undertaken.

Article 8

In order to achieve the objectives of this convention, in each county, respectively in Bucharest, Romanian-French steering committees will be set up, through specific agreements. The agreement will be made between French NGOs in each county and the prefecture.

Article 9

Each Party shall make known the fulfillment of the necessary constitutional formalities with regard to the entry into force of the Convention.

It shall enter into force on the date of the last notification. The Convention will be valid for one year and may be renewed. Either Party may cancel the Convention by giving one month's notice to the other Party.

In accordance with the above, the signatories of the law have signed this Convention.

Done at Bucharest on November 7, 1990, in duplicate in the Romanian and French languages, each version being official.

For the Government of Romania,

Rodica Munteanu

Alexandra Zugravescu

For the Government of the French Republic,

Bernard Kouchner

Appendix 1


Romanian institutions benefiting from French humanitarian aid

The name of the orphanage County NGO

Hateg Hunedoara Med. of the World

Drastic '' ''

Breteastrei '' ''

Girls' house '' ''


Lisa '' ''

Cris bath '' ''

Uricani '' ''

SACEL '' ''

Giurgiu Giurgiu Handicap Int.

Garden Bucharest ''

row row ''

BIRLAD '' ''

Jaw '' ''

Botosani Botosani ''

Drobeta Turnu-Severin Mehedinti ''

Maramures Maramures ''

Pitesti Arges ''

Vide Teleorman Balance


Vultures Arges ''

Ghime? Bacau ''

Ungureni '' ''

Horie Tulcea ''

Zebil '' ''

Vîrtop '' ''

Miclauseni IASI ''

Cezieni Olt ''

Vînjule? Mehedinti ''

H?lmeu Satu Mare PSF

Albotele '' ''

Miclauseni '' ''

Caracal '' ''

lace Suceava ''

Buzau Buzau ''


Abrud Gorj ''

Bildeni '' ''

Curtea de Arge? Arges foundational

Slatina Olt CRF

Bals '' ''

Cezieni '' ''

ALEXANDRE Teleorman ''

Ro?iori de Vede '' ''

boundaries Giurgiu ''

Segarcea Dolj ''

Craiova '' ''

Poiana Mare '' ''

flasks Teleorman ''

Vide '' ''

Annex 2


French NGO for humanitarian action

- Red Cross

- Balance

- France Libertes Foundation

- Handicap International

- Doctors of the World

- Doctors without Borders

- Pharmacists without Borders

- National Federation of Amateur Radio from Civil Security

(National Federation of Amateur Radio in Civil Security)

Annex 3


facilities granted to French NGOs on the Romanian territory

- Exemption from customs duties for goods intended for humanitarian aid;

- Free visa for volunteers and automatic renewal of the visa every 6 months;

- Payment of the hotel under the conditions provided for Romanian citizens;

- Registration and insurance of vehicles in accordance with Decree no. 328/1972 , with Romanian provisional number;

- Payment of fuels in Romanian currency.
