International adoptions continue to decline
24 October 2021

In 2016 and 2017, the Federal Central Authority for adoption in our country recognized about 200 files of framed adoptions from abroad. Since then, that number has only fallen: 75 in 2018, 58 in 2019 and 49 in 2020. That is what La Dernière Heure reports in its Sunday edition.

According to the FPS Justice, the fact that the standard of living of children in the countries of origin has improved, which benefits internal adoptions. Certain channels have also been closed due to legal uncertainty, and the Hague Convention has forced some countries to review their organization before international adoption becomes possible again.


Of the so-called framed files, which are supervised by recognized Belgian adoption services or the central authorities of the Communities, Thailand (12 adoptions in 2020, against 27 in 2016) was the main country of origin of the children. South Africa, Colombia, Burkina Faso and Togo are also well represented in the statistics.

Unframed international adoptions recognized by the Central Authority also declined in number. In 2016 there were still 34, in 2020 only 20. In this category there are more Western countries, such as France, the United States and the United Kingdom.
