Order of March 7, 2022 temporarily suspending international adoption procedures for children residing in Ukraine

7 March 2022

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs,

Considering the international convention on the rights of the child of November 20, 1989;

Having regard to the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on the protection of children and cooperation in respect of international adoption;

Considering the code of social action and families , in particular its article R. 148-10,


Section 1

All international adoption procedures concerning children having their habitual residence in Ukraine by any person residing in France are suspended for a period of three months from the publication of this decree.

Section 2

This suspension measure applies to files that have not given rise, on the date of publication of this decree, to a decision by the competent Ukrainian authorities to establish contact between the child and the candidates for adoption.

Section 3

The Head of the International Adoption Mission is responsible for the execution of this Order, which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done on March 7, 2022.

For the minister and by delegation:

The director of French nationals abroad and of the consular administration,

L. Haguenauer

