Victims born in Romania call for a judicial inquiry

16 December 2022

On October 5, 2022, the Racines&dignité group filed complaints with the public prosecutor for the opening of a judicial inquiry into the main actors who participated in our forced exodus without the consent of our biological families. We publish the letter addressed to Mrs BECCUAU so that our request is taken into account vis-a-vis these crimes against humanity.

For the attention of Mrs Laure BECCUAU, Public Prosecutor of Paris

Madam Prosecutor,

We have the honor to inform you that we are a group of victims born in Romania in the 1960s. We created the Roots&Dignity group in order to denounce the establishment of a trade in children and violations of human rights. child of which we have been the object.

We are :

- Coming from legalized trafficking in the context of international adoption,

- Withdrawn from our country and our relatives by NGOs for short-term hospitalizations with medical visas. We never returned to our biological families in Romania, the Romanian authorities declared us missing. The file is classified secret.

Consequently, our group wishes for these facts to file a complaint.

We demand that a judicial inquiry be opened with investigations of the main actors who participated in our forced exodus without the consent of our biological families, as well as the role of the State.

In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the NGO Solidarité Enfants Roumains Abandonnés (SERA France) which brought to France around a hundred sick Romanian children via short-term medical visas. Most never returned to their country of origin, others arrived without the consent of their biological families.

We enclose the attached list of these children that we obtained recently.

The children were placed with foster families, adopted or placed with ASE. In 2007 the Romanian authorities launched a search and declared them missing. It is urgent that the files of these children, and the reports of SERA, be seized with Care France which took the responsibility after their merger with SERA France in 2003.

In this letter you will find additional documents justifying the organization of this crime against humanity:

- Our individual victim files explaining their trafficking

- A file explaining the organization of trafficking and the disappearance of children in Romania with documents and official reports on a USB key. On this key is the SERA file with information on 22 children who arrived with a medical visa and information on the adoption of 34 children in 1991.

- The SERA file with the program of action in favor of abandoned children from Romania presented by Mr. François de Combret and Mr. Renaud Vignal (French Ambassador from 1990 to 1993).

- The Convention between France and Romania of 1990. The collection of treaties and international agreements or classes and registered in the directory at the UN secretariat (pages 89 to 111).

- Our press release on Médiapart.

On September 29, 2022 in Geneva, the UN takes a stand on illegal adoptions. Qualified so far as fraud, they are now recognized as crimes against humanity. A group of experts urges States to take measures to prevent and eradicate these illicit practices.

We thank you for considering this letter with its documents as a complaint.

Waiting for the follow-up you will give to this letter,

Please accept, Madam Prosecutor of the Republic of Paris, the expression of our highest consideration.

The Roots&Dignity Group

