European Adoption Consultants

Founded 1991
Incorporated July 10, 1992

Primary countries in the past 10 years:
Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, China, Guatemala
2 January 1991


Person Relation type Date from Date to
Carl P Kasunic Board member 2008 Dec 31
Carol Long Board member 2009 Jan 01
Kala Kaminsky Board member
Lisa Nespeca Board member 2004 Dec 31
Lucile Cole Board member 1992 Jul 10 2004 Dec 31
Robert A Cole Board member 1992 Jul 10 1994 Jan 23
Samuel Detwiller Board member 2008 Jan 01
Victor H Cole Board member 2004 Dec 31
Alex Karpenko Employed by
Barbara Scanlon Employed by
Charlie Sikora Employed by
Claire Bizub Employed by 1998 Jul 01 2003 Jun 02
Cynthia Sundman Employed by
David Hughes Employed by 1995 Jan 01
Debra Parris Employed by
Jose Garcia Employed by
Kala Kaminsky Employed by
Kollene Lukuch Employed by 2001 Jan 01 2005 Aug 01
Lisa Ayyash Employed by
Pat Whyte Employed by
Patty Tomecko Employed by 1995 Jan 01
Renee Cole Employed by
Rob Sanford Employed by
Robert A Cole Employed by 1991 Jan 01 1994 Jan 23
Stasi Lukuch Employed by 1996 Jan 01 2006 Sep 01
Tom Droughton Employed by
Trudy Tobias Employed by 2001 Jan 01 2003 Jan 01
Margaret A Cole Executive Director
Anatoli Bredyuk Facilitator for 1992 Jan 01 1996 Jan 01
GT Le Facilitator for 2005 Jan 01
Hector Barrios Facilitator for 2003 Nov 01
Juan Carlos Facilitator for
Qiliang Zhou Facilitator for 1995 Mar 01
Tatyana Perekolskaya Facilitator for
Veronica Zaharia Facilitator for
Margaret A Cole Founder of 1992 Jul 10
Joseph A Carbone Representative
Karen Cole Secretary 2005 Jan 01 2008 Dec 31
Lucile Cole Secretary 2004 Dec 31
Renee Cole Secretary 2009 Jan 01
Lucile Cole Treasurer 2004 Dec 31
Margaret A Cole Treasurer 2009 Jan 01
Patricia Sikora Treasurer 2005 Jan 01 2008 Dec 31

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) Accredited European Adoption Consultants
Ministry of Education in the Russian Federation Accredited European Adoption Consultants
US State Department Accredited European Adoption Consultants 2008 Apr 01 2012 Apr 30
European Adoption Consultants Cooperates with American International Adoption Agency
European Adoption Consultants Cooperates with Bizub Consulting Group, Inc 1999 Jun 01 2003 Jun 02
European Adoption Consultants Cooperates with EuroAsian Adoption Consultants of Illinois Inc.
European Adoption Consultants Cooperates with Greenway Consulting Services, Inc 2005 Aug 05
European Adoption Consultants Cooperates with Renee Marie Consulting, Inc
European Adoption Consultants Endorses Children In Families First
European Adoption Consultants Facilitates Catholic Social Services (Diocese of Fall River)
European Adoption Consultants Facilitates EuroAsian Adoption Consultants of Illinois Inc. Ukraine
Gulder Foundation Facilitates European Adoption Consultants
AMREX Facilitates European Adoption Consultants
Illien Adoptions International, Inc. Facilitates European Adoption Consultants Ethiopia
European Adoption Consultants Facilitates Family Connections Christian Adoptions
European Adoption Consultants Member of Hague Accreditation
European Adoption Consultants Member of Joint Council on International Children's Services
European Adoption Consultants Member of National Council for Adoption (NCFA)
European Adoption Consultants Participates in The CoMission for Children at Risk
European Adoption Consultants Provided grant to China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) 2006 Aug 23
European Adoption Consultants Sponsor of New Dawn Children's Home Guatemala 2008 Nov 12
European Adoption Consultants Sponsor of Project Sunshine, Inc
European Adoption Consultants Umbrellas for EuroAsian Adoption Consultants of Illinois Inc. Russian Federation


Title Publication date
North Texas woman who played role in horrific abuse pleads guilty in adoption scam Read more at: 19 November 2021
Owner of Strongsville agency, employees charged with conspiracy in foreign adoption cases 15 August 2020
'I want my kids back': how overseas adoptions splinter Uganda's families 22 May 2020
Child Trafficking Through International Adoption Continues Despite Regulations 15 March 2018
European Adoption Consultants (EAC) Temporary Debarment Upheld 15 December 2017
CNN KIDS FOR SALE 12 October 2017
Strongsville-based European Adoption Consultants connected to disturbing child abuse case in Texas 9 May 2017
Adoption Notice: Update on Communication with European Adoption Consultants, Inc. 3 May 2017
FBI uncover huge pedophile ring at International adoption agency 16 February 2017
Families impacted by raid of International Adoption Agency in Strongsville speak out (video) 27.000 dollars Poland 15 February 2017
Transfer of EACI cases to other adoption agencies 6 February 2017
Couple Claims Adoption Agency Embroiled Them in Child-Trafficking Scheme (EAC/Uganda) 1 February 2017
Bedford family stranded in Poland after adoption process goes wrong 28 January 2017
Strongsville adoption agency accused of soliciting bribes, withholding money 13 January 2017
Fundraiser for 3 Polish boys - Hansen family (EAC) - also adopted twins from BG 50.000 dollar January 2017
European Adoption Consultants, Inc. Temporarily Debarred. 16 December 2016
Summary of Standards of Violation EAC 16 December 2016
Horrific Abuse Allegations Shock Denton as Texas Falls Under Scrutiny to Protect Kids 19 October 2016
FBI informed Polish Agency about the abused child, Polish prosecutor not informed 1 September 2016
EAC on the Congo Suspension 9 October 2013
EAC's India Journey 20 February 2013
EAC: Now open in Serbia 12 March 2010
Daniel Case: EAC did adoption for someone high up in Ohio AG's Office 27 July 2008
Families in Crisis: When Foreign Adoption Goes Wrong 2 March 2004
Avocata arestata pentru implicare in adoptii ilegale 7 November 1998


12608 Alameda Drive