


Childout is a website dedicated to the issue of out of family children and children in institutions. It was made possible by a grant of the European Commission in the frame of a Community action programme to combat poverty and social exclusion in Europe. Its ambition is to become a portal on child abandonment.

Our definition of abandonment is wide : for us, a child is abandoned when his fundamental right to live in a family that he can call his own is not being fulfilled. A child living for years in institution or in placement, a child living in the streets, is an abandoned child : he has been abandoned by his parents, by the State or by civil society.

Children in institutions, children for which a definitive family solution has not been found are being abandoned by the State : much more, we are convinced that institutionalisation is a form of abuse, as it does not allow the creation of a relationship – the bond between a child and his parents – that is now recognised as fundamental for the construction of a child’s personality. It is now widely accepted that such a practice can contribute to the arising of serious psychological and, in the end, social consequences

We would like this site to be a resource for professionals, families and policy makers alike, of diffusion of the issues relating to permanency of children out of the protection of a family, either in institutions, in the streets, in families at risk of disruption, or other.

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Amici dei Bambini Founded Childout
European Commission Provided grant to Childout


Title Publication date
Members of the ll Melegrano Network June 2010
AiBi Childout 15 December 2009
Updates on the Abandonment Emergency 1 November 2009
Il Melegrano Network - Newsletter 1 June 2009