Terre des Hommes Switzerland



Person Relation type Date from Date to
Jean Zermatten Board member 2009 Jan 01
John Davies Board member 2001 Jan 01
Bernard Boeton Employed by
Hana Berhanu Employed by
Joseph Aguettant Employed by
Marlene Hofstetter Employed by

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) Accredited Terre des Hommes Switzerland
Terre des Hommes Switzerland Cooperates with Amici dei Bambini
Terre des Hommes Switzerland Cooperates with Fraternelle des parents - Elternorganisation
Missionarie della Carita (Missionaries of Charity Sisters) Facilitates Terre des Hommes Switzerland
Arrows of God Orphanage Facilitates Terre des Hommes Switzerland 2005 Jan 01
Terre des Hommes Switzerland Part of ACT Case Sona
Terre des Hommes Switzerland Participates in PEDOS/PERVERTS


Avenue de Montchoisi 15