Tjibbe Joustra


Title Publication date
Minister does not start investigation into illegal adoptions from Chile by Dutch 'nun' 2 September 2023
Tjibbe Joustra about intercountry adoption: biological parent is most forgotten 19 June 2023
Reconstruction: how the adoption freeze was canceled at the very last minute 16 June 2023
Adoptions from abroad were going to stop, but D66 put a stop to that at the very last - Nederlands Dagblad. The quality newspaper of Christian Netherlands 16 June 2023
Critical court decision in Butink case is 'pure recognition' for adoptees 14 July 2022
Tjibbe Joustra sees 'a lot of good will' in adoption improvement plan, but 'filling in will be decisive' 19 April 2022
Cautious joy about making adoptions possible again 8 April 2022
Hope and anger about cabinet plans for foreign adoptions: 'My life is extremely difficult' 8 April 2022
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 31 December 2021
Illegal adoptee receives compensation: government 'could and should have done more' 24 November 2021
Sebastian is looking for his mother after a hard adoption report: 'Maybe not abandoned after all' 27 July 2021
Is there a future for adoption? Sure, but there's a lot of work to be done 5 July 2021
Mother Karen stands up for adoption: 'We already hear that adopted children address their parents about it' 16 February 2021
Adoptive parents Chantal and Dirk-Jan deeply touched by critical report: 'We are not child traffickers' 10 February 2021
International adoption: the government has looked away from abuses for years 9 February 2021
Informatie over onderzoek naar interlandelijke adoptie / Information about research into intercountry adoption 9 February 2021
The government immediately suspends international adoptions 8 February 2021
Cabinet receives report on adoption from abroad 8 February 2021
Minister Dekker: international adoption immediately suspended after damning report 8 February 2021
Dilani Butink raised adoption abuses: 'years have been looked away' 8 February 2021
What does the research report mean for adoption cases? 8 February 2021
Adoption has been viewed through naive rose-colored glasses for far too long 8 February 2021
"Adoption is the best thing that happened to me in my life" 8 February 2021
Policy response report Commission Investigation into Intercountry Adoption in the past 8 February 2021
Commission presents report on abuses adoption culture - Press conference Dekker / Joustra 8th February 2021 8 February 2021
Adoptees 'happy and doubly' about advice provisional adoption stop: 'keep checking that something is actually done with this rep 6 February 2021
The trail comes to a dead end; everything points to adoption fraud 24 April 2020
Hoe kan ik meedoen aan het onderzoek naar afstand en adoptie tussen 1956 en 1984? 20 December 2019
Holanda investiga 10.000 casos de adopciones forzadas 10 September 2019
Tjibbe Joustra: 'Overheid heeft niet veel krediet meer' 26 April 2019