Care France


Person Relation type Date from Date to
Cécile Tissot Employed by 2009 Jan 01
Cristian Tabacaru M.D. Employed by 2008 Jan 01
Jean Guyot Founder of 1983 Jan 01
Arielle de ROTHSCHILD (Arielle Marie Mallard) President 2007 Jan 01
Jean-François Deniau President 1995 Jan 01 2007 Jan 24
Marina Sauvage de Brantes (Marina Boissevain) President
Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) Vice President 2004 Jan 01

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Care France Cooperates with Vivre en Famille 2007 Jan 01
Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes France (SERA) Part of Care France 2003 Jan 01
Care France Part of Cooperative Relief and Assistance Everywhere (CARE USA)
Care France Part of Lobby to Re-open Romanian Adoptions (2001- )


71 rue Archereau