Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret)


Organization Relation type Date from Date to
ATD Tiers Monde aka ATD Third World Board member
Fondation Hippocrène Contributed to
Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption Contributed to
Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes France (SERA) Founder of 1990 Oct 16
Lazard Bank Participates in
Lobby to Re-open Romanian Adoptions (2001- ) Participates in
Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes France (SERA) President
2006 Hearing EP: Discover the reality of child protection in Romania - Vice-Chairman of CARE France Speaker at 2006 Jun 13
2008 Strasbourg Press Conference Towards a European procedure for adoption Speaker at 2008 Feb 18
A European Policy on Adoption - 9 Nov 2006 Speaker at
Care France Vice President 2004 Jan 01

Relations to other persons

Person Relation Type Person Date from Date to
Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) Assistant of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing 1970 Jan 01 1981 Jan 01
Eneko Landaburu Cousin of Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret)
Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) Friend of Dominique Ambiel
Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) Friend of Jean-François Deniau
Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) Friend of Patrick Poivre d'Arvor 1993 Jan 01
Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) Friend of Martin Bouygues
Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) Married to May de LASTEYRIE du SAILLANT
Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) Sibling of Bernard Polge de Combret
Valerie Jourdan Works for Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) 2004 Jan 01


Title Publication date
Documents Delors - De Combret early nineties March 2024
Rio Tinto Mining Company Pays $15 Million to Settle US Bribery Accusations 10 March 2023
The pontoon does not often go to the water 21 September 2021
Dassault Paid 1 Million Euros To Indian Middleman In Rafale Deal: Report 5 April 2021
Simandou: Rio Tinto riposts to Beny Steinmetz's attack on the Polge de Combret affair 11 September 2020
JP Legaut - about book Valerie Jourdan (Roelie Post) 28 May 2020
The Orban government wants to make the foundation "The Orphanage Mogul of Romania's Orphans" of public utility. 16 January 2020
Francois de Combret si Orfanii României – milioane de euro în joc ! Unde duc toate drumurile misterioase ale adoptiilor din Roma 16 January 2020
Orban vrea s? fac? de utilitate public? funda?ia “Mogulului orfanilor României”. Funda?ia, acuzat? într-un documentar de experim 15 January 2020
Antena 3 - În Premieri: În cautarea tarii pierdute - IIn search of a lost country 19 November 2019
Jacques Chirac en vacances avec sa maîtresse à l’île Maurice : comment il semait les paparazzi 1 October 2019
Roelie Post to President-elect Von der Leyen 30 July 2019
AD to Roques: Duty of Care/security - Moscovici - scandal Romania - De Combret 29 July 2019
Romanian TV Victor Ciutacu – adoption and the European Commission 25 July 2019
Romanian TV: The Soros Network 16 July 2019
L’enfant du diable Le lycée français vous informe de cet événement à l’Institut Français 21 May 2019
Proust l'irréductible (Book written by FdC) 1 February 2019
F. de Combret, Le bréviaire de La recherche du temps perdu 20 January 2019
RP to Chairman: About Daniela Georghe and ARGOS 7 May 2018
The life of a whistleblower: Roelie Post (ARGOS) + anonymous colleague 5 May 2018
The poor 90s 18 April 2018
Former Lazard Banker’s Home Raided in Rio Tinto Probe 15 March 2018
Audio recordings drag Guinea president into mine bribery scandal (French Prosecutor primarily investigation) 1 December 2016
Ask the EU Letter Landaburu - De Combret - adoption own opinion 2001 11 March 2016
Commentaire de Gérard Luçon sur L'effarante visite de Moscovici dans la chaudière grecque 17 December 2014
La Vaslui, praful in ochi costa scump: 180.000 de euro! 20 October 2014
L’affaire des « bébés roumains 2 June 2014
Documentary Suche Kind Zahle Bar on ARD (German national TV) 26 April 2014
Nexans : Nicolas de Tavernost et François Polge de Combret quittent le Conseil d'Administration 1 April 2014
Novartis calls in Lazard and CSFB for Aventis merger talks 12 March 2014
Nexans : un administrateur à l'achat 18 February 2014
Roumanie : Michel Drucker s'engage en faveur des enfants abandonnés. 22 February 2013
New Guinne - Soros does not like De Combret 2013
Voyage en Roumanie et France (de Quebec) - Cristian (aved De Combret) 1 April 2012
L'Horreur des Enfants Roumains - Thesis 1 January 2012
Toute L'Histoire: Les Mazarin de l'Elysée 9 June 2011
Bilan. Les démagogues et les lucides. 19 May 2011
County Council might associate with a controversial foundation 27 April 2011
Comment Gerard Lucon (Handicap International) 1 April 2011
Vivre en Famille - Programme SERA October 2010
UBS sponsoring Academies July 2010
Interview Gorj: Funda?ia francez? SERA, mama bun? a copiilor ?i b?trânilor din Gorj 22 January 2010
Jurnal National: Romanian Orphans, ready for export to the EU - ADOPTION MAFIA WORKS THROUGH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 20 October 2009
Transcript interview De Luca 1 October 2009
Fostering interest 16 April 2008
Mail from Council of Europe (No American or other lobbies) 22 February 2008
Youtube: Press conference Strasbourg 19 February 2008
EP/CoE Video Press conference Strasbourg Joint Declaration European Adoption POlicy 19 February 2008
Press statement - Towards a European Procedure for Adoption (Declaration also drafted by Maud de Boer) 13 February 2008
Note of Cavada/Gibault on adoption/Romania 1 March 2007
De Combret: Legea adop?iilor din România nu respect? conven?iile 14 November 2006
EP Petition French Adopters - reply COM: implement Acquis 3 July 2006
MEPs collect signatures in favor of inter-country adoption 19 June 2006
Mail JP Clement (French Lobby) to German MEPs 18 June 2006
MEPs collect signatures in favor of inter-country adoption 16 June 2006
De Combret/Cavada - European Parliament press release Adoption internationale en Roumanie 13 June 2006
Subject: Conference: Discover the reality of child protection in Romania De Combret, back from Romania 12 June 2006
Lazard's de Combret, Partner in Paris, Leaves Firm, People Say 22 August 2005
De Combret - Barrot: Negative letter Rehn, cannot meet FdC 16 May 2005
Letter Barrot to Rehn - reopening adoptions Romania 20 April 2005
Meeting De Lobkowich - FdC + meeting Barrot FdC 16 April 2005
Letter Commissioner Rehn - De Combret uncrc = acquis 4 April 2005
Letter De Combret to HoU De Lobkowicz (offer free advise services SERA to COM) 21 March 2005
2nd Letter De Combret to President Barroso 28 January 2005
Letter EC President Barroso to FdC - UNCRC = acquis 13 January 2005
Letter FdC to EU President Barroso and reply 22 November 2004
Note for Verheugen - about recent developments/intimidations etc 17 March 2004
CoE: Information on the use of your contributions and donations: help for abandoned children in Romania 1 February 2004
DAVIES et AUTRES contre la ROUMANIE 7 January 2003
Le rôle de l’Etat placé au-dessus des droits de l’enfant 5 October 2002
La Roumanie tente de réformer l’adoption d’enfants abandonnés - Full page - Le Monde 5 October 2002
Scoliose 1 October 2001
Les 11.000 mailles – “Academia Catavencu” 18 July 2001
Letter Landaburu - De Combret: agree moratorium is a problem (PRIVATE Letter on COM letterhead) 20 April 2001
Fax De Combret to Grillo - RP now you have full project fiche 2 March 2000
Delors gives letter De Combret to Landaburu 2 March 2000
Lamoureux to De Combret - Helsinki 7 December 1999
Mail Rp to MN/SM - Correspondance Francois de Combret: Catherine Day: Broad Contacts 25 November 1999
Letter Commissioner Van den Broek to De Combret 6 September 1999
Letter De Combret to President Prodi = copy letter to Commissioner Van den Broek 13 August 1999
Letter De Combret to DG's Lamoureux, Mingasson - Grillo Pasquarelli + Reply same day Lamoureux 9 June 1999
De Combret - Tobacco merger/privatization (EU Lobby) 1 January 1994
Letter Sir Leon Brittan to De Combret 29 July 1993
Letter COM President Delors to Francois de Combret - ica not the solution 29 July 1993
Internal Mail EC about De Combret et PPPD - TF1 - Marche aux Siecles 12 June 1993
French journalist fired 1 January 1993
Letter Francois de Combret to French Ambassador about getting adoptions cleared (FAF) 19 November 1990
Statut SERA France 16 October 1990
Action Plan De Combret and French Ambassador 1 September 1990
Communiqués - 74 adoptions agreed Romania - France + no more new adoptions 20 July 1988
Adoption STOP 1 February 1988
Adoption in process - France 1 February 1988
Le Canard enchaîné " évoque une opération boursière de Mme Giscard d'Estaing 7 July 1980
ATD Advisory Committee