Title |
Publication date |
What next, after the end of 'Spoorloos'? 'Don't leave adoptees to their fate' |
6 March 2025 |
Anna (71) travels through Brazil to perform DNA tests: 'Every mother deserves contact with her child' |
26 January 2025 |
India Sees 4,963 Children Adopted by Foreigners Across 41 Countries in Last Decade |
20 December 2024 |
There is* still money available to search for biological parents – and then what? |
2 May 2024 |
Activists not convinced about Norwegian adoption investigation |
23 January 2024 |
Swiss say thousands of children likely illegally adopted abroad |
8 December 2023 |
Report on illegal adoptions: Have there been thousands of other irregularities in Switzerland? |
8 December 2023 |
Swiss authorities looked the other way for decades |
8 December 2023 |
Indications of Illegal Adoptions of Children from Ten Countries of Origin in Switzerland, 1970s to 1990s, Inventory of Documents in the Swiss Federal Archives |
November 2023 |
Design session country-specific pilot project Indonesia started |
6 October 2023 |
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities |
4 September 2023 |
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities |
4 September 2023 |
Center for Children, Law and Ethics |
22 July 2023 |
Al veertig jaar hopen Braziliaanse moeders op vergiffenis na schimmige adoptieprocedures - NRC (For 40 years, Brazilian mothers |
16 April 2023 |
Illegal foreign adoptions How Adoptees Demand Education |
18 March 2023 |
False certificates and forced abandonment: study documents irregular adoptions of foreigners in France |
9 February 2023 |
Lara Mallo about her adoption: "I was convinced that people I love would leave me" |
3 January 2023 |
SP Member of Parliament Van Nispen in motion: 'Withdraw appeal in adoption cases' |
8 December 2022 |
VPRO documentary prize 2022 to Filho - VPRO |
7 October 2022 |
The Story of Adoption |
19 August 2022 |
Glenn & David's Story |
8 May 2022 |
Adoption TikTok: Building Community and Critiquing the U.S. Adoption System |
11 April 2022 |
Adoption from abroad will soon be allowed again: 'This gives hope of finally having a baby' |
11 April 2022 |
Adoption TikTok: Building Community and Critiquing the U.S. Adoption System |
11 April 2022 |
Hope and anger about cabinet plans for foreign adoptions: 'My life is extremely difficult' |
8 April 2022 |
Blood connection isn't everything |
22 February 2022 |
‘My missing piece’: Perth man reconnects with Brazilian family who put him up for adoption |
7 February 2022 |
'I was trafficked as a baby. At 30, I found family in Brazil' |
31 January 2022 |
'Do You Believe in Miracles?' How celebrity faith healer was exposed as rapist and abuser |
3 January 2022 |
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in |
31 December 2021 |
France: why are international adoptions in free fall? |
28 December 2021 |
Carlos (29) was severely abused and mutilated as a child, now he gets artificial skin |
16 December 2021 |
The Hague Court rules on intercountry adoption cases |
2 December 2021 |
Judgments in intercountry adoption cases |
24 November 2021 |
Examining International Adoption |
9 November 2021 |
Patrick was adopted illegally: 'You lack ownership of your identity' |
30 October 2021 |
International child trafficking gang leaves victims in Ceará and Goiás |
6 July 2021 |
Meet the forensic expert who uses DNA tests to trace and return lost children to families around the world |
25 June 2021 |
Netherlands stops international adoptions after Brazilian demonstrates that he was taken illegally - Brazil - Estadão |
8 March 2021 |
In search of biological parents, Brazilian changes rule of adoption in the Netherlands |
26 February 2021 |
Vlogging in search of biological parents |
9 February 2021 |
Investigation into role of government in illegal adoptions abroad |
29 January 2021 |
Mothers and children separated by illegal adoption unite in family searches |
6 December 2020 |
“Adopted”: Series about Brazilians adopted by Israelis debuts at Discovery Investigation |
6 March 2020 |
Orphans as young as four are forced to parade in front of potential foster parents for 'adoption catwalk show' likened to a slav |
23 May 2019 |
The Brazilian dictatorship kidnapped me as a baby, and I still have no answers |
8 April 2019 |
Alarms about irregularities from the majority of major countries Sweden adopted from |
21 February 2019 |
Notorious celebrity faith healer John of God 'sold babies' to Australians |
14 January 2019 |
Onderzoek naar illegale adopties rijt oude wonden open in Tuitjenhorn |
5 January 2019 |
Justitie stopte illegale adoptie in doofpot |
4 January 2019 |
Mondje dicht! Ambtenaren knepen oogje toe bij ‘handel in baby's’ |
8 December 2018 |
Vorderingen op grond van illegale adoptie verjaard (Brazilie) |
5 July 2017 |
Malta registers lowest child adoption for 10 years |
26 March 2016 |
Brazilian adoption recognised in England and Wales |
5 June 2015 |
Conference: Prevention of Family Breakdown due to Poverty |
17 September 2014 |
Couple Together For 7 Years Find Out Shocking – And Creepy – Bombshell About Their RelationshipCouple Together For 7 Years Find |
8 August 2014 |
Brazil Eases Child Adoption for Foreigners |
15 April 2014 |
The right to have a family: ‘legal trafficking of children’, adoption and birth control in Brazil |
13 August 2013 |
Brasile: Patricia Lamego destituita dall’incarico di Coordinatrice dell’Autorità Centrale |
26 March 2013 |
Brazil prepares guidance booklet for people adopted by foreigners |
20 March 2013 |
National Council of Justice investigates suspected illegal adoption in Bahia |
16 October 2012 |
Human traffickers sell children to paedophiles (Germany, Haiti) |
15 April 2011 |
Italian official claims link between homosexual adoption and human trafficking |
21 September 2010 |
Voetballer Rafael van Rijn is opgetogen teruggekeerd uit Brazilië na de hereniging met zijn Braziliaanse familie. |
12 November 2009 |
Il Melegrano Network - Newsletter |
1 June 2009 |
The "legal traffic" of children in Brazil |
1 January 2009 |
Further steps towards the UN Guidelines on Children without Parental Care |
11 June 2008 |
People who go abroad to adopt |
January 2008 |
Mail Sandberg to: EU changes position (Strategy) |
1 November 2007 |
The Deadly Trade of Child Organ Trafficking |
20 January 2007 |
BCN Initiatives - Better Care Network |
18 December 2006 |
Facilitating global exchange around children without adequante family care. Promoting appropriate responses. |
18 December 2006 |
Blog: Amazing Brazil Adoption |
23 March 2006 |
Adoption Legislation Brazil - Resolution 1/2000 |
2000 |
`We rolden van de ene leugen in de andere' Een echtpaar uit Enschede zou een kind uit Brazilië hebben geroofd. |
18 March 1999 |
Optimisme over `geroofd' adoptiekind (Brazilie) |
15 March 1999 |
The roads of baby trafficking |
26 February 1999 |
10 February 1999 |
Argumenten Amsterdams gerechtshof bij toekenning adoptie-kind aan alleenstaande moeder |
31 July 1995 |
Brasile: si cela un traffico di organi dietro l' adozione di bambini disabili |
10 August 1994 |
Brazil cracks EC report on organ trade |
16 September 1993 |
27 January 1992 |
Brasile, una donna spietata dietro la tratta dei bimbi |
26 January 1992 |
Adoption Internationale et trafic d'enfants, myths et realites |
January 1991 |
Mafia betrokken bij kinderhandel (Brazilie) |
10 October 1990 |
Mafia betrokken bij kinderhandel (Brazilie) |
2 October 1990 |
Nederlanders weer vrij in Santos |
16 February 1985 |
Dutch not in baby trade |
14 February 1985 |
Wij hebben niets verkeerd gedaan. Gearresteerde 'handelaren in kinderen' weer thuis |
14 February 1985 |
Illegale adopties baby's; Braziliaanse advocate aangehouden |
23 March 1983 |
Stichting in Groesbeek beticht van babysmokkel |
12 March 1983 |
Profiteering from the sale of babies |
5 March 1983 |
Braziliaanse van illegale adoptie baby's verdacht |
24 February 1983 |
Illegaal adopteren vaak een noodsprong; We schamen ons hier helemaal niet voor (investigation NL Peru is ongoing) |
1 January 1983 |
Adoption from Brazil - 1974 |
1974 |
VG avslører: Slik ble Norge varslet om salg av barn, korrupsjon og falske identiteter - VG |