Title |
Publication date |
What next, after the end of 'Spoorloos'? 'Don't leave adoptees to their fate' |
6 March 2025 |
Fieldwork – Shapla Community |
28 August 2024 |
Chile’s stolen children: a new effort offers hope to Pinochet-era international adoptees |
14 July 2024 |
There is* still money available to search for biological parents – and then what? |
2 May 2024 |
Bangladesh Adoption Information |
1 February 2024 |
The stranger across from me was my sister: how one adoptee uncovered a tragic past |
26 January 2024 |
Bangladesh launches investigation into children ‘wrongly’ adopted overseas |
25 January 2024 |
‘I was told I could visit. Then she went missing’: the Bangladeshi mothers who say their children were adopted without consent |
25 January 2024 |
Bangladesh launches investigation into children ‘wrongly’ adopted overseas |
25 January 2024 |
Activists not convinced about Norwegian adoption investigation |
23 January 2024 |
Swiss say thousands of children likely illegally adopted abroad |
8 December 2023 |
Swiss authorities looked the other way for decades |
8 December 2023 |
Indications of Illegal Adoptions of Children from Ten Countries of Origin in Switzerland, 1970s to 1990s, Inventory of Documents in the Swiss Federal Archives |
November 2023 |
One of the world's foremost experts on international adoption, Nigel Cantwell, believes that several changes are needed before an adoption abroad can be said to be in the best interests of the child. |
31 October 2023 |
Design session country-specific pilot project Indonesia started |
6 October 2023 |
Committee on Enforced Disappearances Marks First Anniversary of the Joint Statement on Illegal Intercountry Adoptions |
20 September 2023 |
Intercountry adoption from Bangladesh; appeal by Wereldkinderen and Terre des Hommes to the limitation period is not unacceptable according to standards of reasonableness and fairness; no claim within a reasonable period; claim against State fails for sub |
12 September 2023 |
Terre des Hommes is not responsible for possible irregularities during adoption from Bangladesh in the 1970s |
12 September 2023 |
‘My mother spent her life trying to find me’: the children who say they were wrongly taken for adoption |
11 August 2023 |
‘I’ll never know where I’m from’: plight of the adopted children of Bangladesh’s Birangona women |
11 August 2023 |
US official to be in India to talk to civil society |
9 July 2023 |
Child 'adopted' for Tk 42,000 is returned to mother by police |
2 February 2023 |
A little-known initiative to help the 'war babies' |
16 December 2022 |
The Cappuccino couple's contribution to 1971's war babies' odyssey |
22 November 2022 |
Shanthy became a victim of illegal adoption: 'I felt it immediately: she was my mother' |
13 July 2022 |
Maria Ifversen has been looking for her little sister for over 20 years: »I remember nothing from our childhood. Nothing. " |
22 April 2022 |
Adoption from abroad will soon be allowed again: 'This gives hope of finally having a baby' |
11 April 2022 |
Adopted left with more questions than answers |
28 March 2022 |
The National Board of Appeal's four notes on a study of the Danish adoption agency from Colombia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Sri |
17 March 2022 |
The Social and Elderly Committee (SOU) Alm. share |
16 March 2022 |
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in |
31 December 2021 |
The Hague Court rules on intercountry adoption cases |
2 December 2021 |
Judgments in intercountry adoption cases |
24 November 2021 |
An adopted Bangladeshi girl in search of her biological family |
20 June 2021 |
Joustra Commission report on intercountry adoption - Terre des Hommes in Bangladesh |
8 February 2021 |
Investigation into role of government in illegal adoptions abroad |
29 January 2021 |
A missionary who enlightened Bangladesh's indigenous people - UCA News |
27 July 2020 |
Update: Terre des Hommes en adopties uit Bangladesh |
20 May 2020 |
Rowena (43) werd als baby afgepakt van haar moeder - nu vliegt ze terug naar Bangladesh voor een ontmoeting |
8 February 2020 |
Adoption in Bangladesh: Brave new world, same old law |
4 February 2020 |
11 November 2019 |
'Alles wat ik over mijzelf wist, bleek niet te kloppen' |
15 October 2019 |
Ending the exploitation of children |
27 June 2019 |
Wereldkinderen: Adopties uit Bangladesh 1970 - 1983 |
17 June 2019 |
Verslag bijeenkomst Wereldkinderen.. |
17 June 2019 |
Project Historie en Roots |
17 June 2019 |
2 get life term for trafficking 2 newborn babies |
11 June 2019 |
Unsere Adoptivkinder aus Bangladesch sind eine riesige Belastung und Enttäuschung |
11 June 2019 |
Voice Recording Gideon |
11 June 2019 |
A Tale of A Shadowed Woman by Bram Paling |
7 June 2019 |
Landenlijst behoud nationaliteit - Bangladesh |
29 April 2019 |
Bengali Law UN Child Rights Charter |
15 April 2019 |
Chittagong Facebook Post |
30 March 2019 |
Bangladesh Fifa official held for 'defaming' PM Hasina |
17 March 2019 |
War Babies Bangladesh |
8 March 2019 |
Children should not suffer from identity crisis ( aparajeyo - Bangladesh ) |
26 February 2019 |
Alarms about irregularities from the majority of major countries Sweden adopted from |
21 February 2019 |
TONGI - Terres Des Hommes Interview 2019 |
9 February 2019 |
From the Baltic to the Bay: Caroline Amena searches for her roots |
1 February 2019 |
From the Baltic to the Bay: Caroline Amena searches for her roots |
1 February 2019 |
From the Baltic to the Bay: Caroline Amena searches for her roots |
1 February 2019 |
The legality of dual citizenship in Bangladesh |
15 January 2019 |
'I've probably been traded' |
17 December 2018 |
Bangladesh en adoptie, beide complex en verwarrend.. deel 1 |
16 December 2018 |
Geadopteerde Bibi Hasenaar: ‘Mijn leven is stukgemaakt voor de poen’ |
8 December 2018 |
Onderzoek naar rol Nederlandse ambtenaren bij illegale adopties |
6 December 2018 |
Summary Wereldkinderen Meeting 30/11/2018 |
30 November 2018 |
Orphanage graft case: Khaleda Zia challenges 10-year prison term |
19 November 2018 |
Annette Adoption |
13 September 2018 |
On hunt for roots |
11 September 2018 |
Sajeda returns home after 40- yr from Netherlands |
14 August 2018 |
Caroline blev født i Bangladesh: Måske ønskede mine forældre slet ikke at bortadoptere mig |
8 June 2018 |
Lions Clubs honours PM Hasina with Medal of Distinction |
29 March 2018 |
‘Jullie weten alles, wij weten niets. Wij hebben alleen maar leugens!’ |
15 December 2017 |
TERRE DES HOMMES RESPONDS TO ADOPTION STORY IN TROUW 14/10/2017 In response to the article today in the Dutch national newspaper |
14 October 2017 |
Terre des Hommes responds to adoption story in Trouw |
14 October 2017 |
Adoptiekinderen uit Bangladesh: afgestaan of gestolen? |
6 June 2017 |
Adoptiekinderen Bangladesh zonder medeweten van ouders naar Nederland gebracht |
3 June 2017 |
ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2016:13534 Dutch / Bangladesh Adoption 2016 |
15 November 2016 |
Bangladesh says goodbye to Fr Homrich, a missionary of the Garo people |
17 August 2016 |
Farewell to a philanthropist | The Daily Star |
16 August 2016 |
Dutch woman on quest for family in Bangladesh |
4 February 2016 |
Information MAK trial |
24 August 2014 |
BANGLADESH - Adoption law ‘needs revision,’ says nun (Mujibor) |
8 February 2010 |
An Angry Doctor Battles a Gruesome Black Market in Asian Children |
14 December 2009 |
Jack Preger's Book |
June 2009 |
Bappi verjaardag » Reisverhalen » antoni-in-bangl… |
18 February 2009 |
2009 |
Bangladesh - Tdh yesterday… |
1 January 2009 |
Youtube: The Lost Children of Bangladesh |
2009 |
'' Ooit wil ik terug, met mijn gezin '' |
23 October 2008 |
Maverick Mothers |
2008 |
geadopteerd uit Bangladesh - reacties |
September 2007 |
Gezocht! |
1 April 2006 |
30 October 2003 |
BANGLADESH Evaluation of the Netherlands Development Programme with Bangladesh, 1972–1996 |
1 January 2000 |
1 January 2000 |
What did Dr Preger do in Bangladesh? |
1999 |
"Take This Child": Why Women Abandon Their Infants in Bangladesh |
1999 |
Report on the In-house Capacity Building Workshop on Intercountry Adoption, ICDC, Florence, Italy, 14-17. September, 1998 |
September 1998 |
Motalib Weijters terug naar Dhulia |
9 April 1998 |
E. den Hartog voor adoptie-vereniging der geref. gezindte |
21 October 1986 |
Ex vertegenwoordiger BIA opgepakt vanwege kindersmokkel |
20 January 1983 |
West Germany: The baby business |
15 January 1983 |
Stories adoptive parents |
1 January 1983 |
Instellingen willen gedragscode ter voorkoming adoptie schandalen |
16 May 1981 |
Dacca's Den of Child Snatchers |
1 January 1980 |
Kinderhandel in Bangladesh |
1 August 1979 |
Beschuldiging aan adres van Terre des Hommes in Nederland en BIA |
1 August 1979 |
Britse arts spreekt van handel in kinderen |
1 August 1979 |
British doctor speaks of trafficking in children |
1 August 1979 |
Baby Transport zu Ostern (Bangladesh) |
1 January 1978 |
Ook fincanciële adoptie vraagt om juiste levensbeschouwelijke keuze |
5 May 1977 |
Eva den Hartog resigns: Conflict met leiding om werk Bangla Desj |
31 January 1977 |
Leidsch Dagblad 17/01/1976 |
17 January 1976 |
Aankomst adoptiekinderen in Nederland (1975) |
9 April 1975 |
Ouders dolgelukkig met weesjes uit Bangladesj |
1 January 1975 |
Bangladesh stuurt voorlopig geen adoptiekinderen |
5 December 1974 |
(Dis) Appearing Women in Nationalist Narratives (Part 1): Interview with Respondent |
1972 |
Bangladesh - war babies (1971) |
'The state was more active than we knew': The Foreign Service pushed to have children adopted to Denmark |
Statistics Bangladesh - Netherlands |